Easy Steps to Build Strong Self Discipline

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

"In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves ... self-discipline with all of them came first"

Harry S. Truman

One important factor determining one's success is self-discipline. It is impossible for a person to succeed without having a strong self-discipline. Successful entrepreneurs, great athletes, renowned musicians to successful entrepreneurs for the middle class, all have in common for the success they get. Strong self-discipline.

Parents and teachers always emphasize to us that self-discipline is so important, no less important as having a goal or dream. In fact they say, without self-discipline, it is impossible for a person to succeed in his life.

Many people want to have strong self-discipline but, they can never get it. Even when they want to be disciplined on one thing, they do something else that is not what they want.

For example when someone wants to learn the skill of reading online to make he can learn and read faster and easier. They are so eager and committed to discipline in the beginning. While learning them even cool to do other things in front of the computer. A few days later, they stopped and left it behind.

As a result he taught himself that building self-discipline is very difficult. Only people who have strong determination can do it.

Is it so difficult to build self-discipline?

It's hard if you do not know how to discipline yourself. Easy if you know how. Here I will give you a simple and easy way to build a strong self-discipline within yourself.

Let's start discussing one by one:

Start With One Habit

Most self-discipline fails because of what it wants to achieve at once. They do not understand, that self-discipline is built through concrete action. It requires time and process in order to have the habit.

Impatience becomes the main cause of a person can not build self-discipline, especially for what they want. They immediately want to see the real results of their efforts. They have an instant mental that actually hinders them from achieving success in their lives.

The second biggest inhibitor is the belief that it can shape and perform multiple habits at once. For example, when someone wants to learn meditation to calm the mind, they instead make other targets such as Einstein Factor, perform Effortless Success techniques and other traits that make their focus and attention divided to perform the activity.


Forming self-discipline is like forming certain muscles in our body, like the muscles of the hands and the abdomen. It takes attention and practice in a consistent way to shape it. No muscle can be obtained in one to two rehearsals.

So also with self-discipline. It can be formed by itself if we pay attention and focus on what we want.


Practice to discipline yourself on one habit you want. Whether to master reading skills, follow reading challenges or train yourself to meditate, to calm your mind.

By practicing and focusing on one trait or habit, then you have a great opportunity to train and build self-discipline.

This is the easiest way to practice self-discipline. The success of building self-discipline is evidenced by new habits that are formed. You no longer need to feel hard and hard to do the habit.

This is where it takes great strength of determination, focus and attention to direct all efforts and energies spent only to form a customized habit. This is where self-discipline is really formed.

So, before you get started, choose a trait or habit that you really want in yourself. Whatever it is. One trait that can support you become a personal success in the future.


Commitment To Getting Started

Starting a new habit is very difficult. It takes time to make this habit really easier to do. All this is none other than the nature of the mind. Nature of mind that is difficult to change.

The mind will endure to do whatever it feels good for us. Only according to the mind is not according to us consciously. Even when it's not good in real life. That is why many people find it difficult to get out of their comfort zone, because the mind perceives as a threat when it comes out of the comfort zone.

Ease of habit formation is only successful if your commitment is realized in the form of real action. To establish self-discipline, you must be willing to initiate action. No matter how much effort you give, start to act.


Build Consistency By Act

"cause can be as ordinary"

The common problem of people in shaping new habits is that they can not be consistent in action. By acting consistently, the feeling that was so heavy will start to become lighter when shaping self-discipline.

By acting, we can measure how far the journey has gone. With action all will be seen more clearly and easily for us can plan for action better.

The key to being able to act consistently is to love and regard what we do. This will make the self-disciplinary process much easier and fun.


Make it a game for yourself. Create a small target that is easy to achieve. When you reach the target, reward yourself. Can with a goal or give a gift to yourself. This gift can be in the form of food.

Try to be creative to set targets and rewards that you can give to yourself. It will help you shape your self-discipline more easily and quickly.

All you need to remember is to continue doing this habit in a consistent way. As your body gets used to it, you will not need it again.

keep moving

Prepare, Plant, Care and Repeat

By doing these three points in earnest, you will arrive at a point, where you do not need the attention, focus, and enormous energy to do the new habit.

Self-discipline is formed by itself by forming a new habit. You can freely choose and discipline yourself on other things you really need in your life.

Forming this self-discipline is like planting rice. You need superior seeds for sowing. When you plant it, you need attention to care for it until the grain on the rice begins to contain and harden that is ready to be harvested.

Here's how you can build self-discipline in your life. The simplest and easiest way I know. You need to know, self-discipline is formed through a series of processes, takes time and effort. It can not be built in the blink of an eye.

Good luck and success for you in building self-discipline. I also want to hear your story in building your self-discipline. I am waiting for your story below.

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