My First Payout on Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey guys! I've finally received my first payout on Steemit!

It's not much but it's definitely better than the ZERO i get from Facebook!

What this means is that I've finally reached the 1 week mark on Steemit!

Let's see what I've accomplished so far:

Followers: 178 (thanks!)
Posts: 819 (95% are probably comments)

I'm quite pleased with how my progress is going. Sure, I may not earn much but Steemit is about meeting new people, people you would never have known existed if you stuck to other social media platforms. I do try to contribute "value" in the form of experiences in food and travels. Not sure if that is of value though..

I do know that I have a rather weird username "howtostartablog" and I don't post much on "blogging" itself. I think that's because I'm already doing so on my WordPress blog. Since I don't post pics of my travel there, why not do it here? It's a win-win situation for myself!

What are my next goals?

  • Use @randowhale for the first time.

  • Gain more followers over time. To be specific, those who are interested in my photos of food and travel or my random posts.

  • Get a bigger payout to fund my monthly expenses, and hopefully one day provide a sufficient monthly income. Fortunately or unfortunately, my country's currency is rather weak, so $600 would be equivalent to the average fresh grad salary. I would be happy to get anywhere near there.

  • Post better photos of food!

  • Meet others with similar interests

  • etc. etc.

Once again, I love to thank everyone on Steemit for helping me to accomplish my dreams of living the Internet lifestyle.

Here's a motivational quote for you guys!

Hustle until your haters ask if you're hiring.


We started at the same time mate. Looks like its going well. Especially your number of followers. By the way, what is @randomwhale? And how do you "use" it?

Hey, it's randowhale, not randomwhale. Don't get mistaken or you'll lose your money lol. Basically you send $2 to @randowhale and insert the URL of the post you wish to get upvoted as the "memo". You're basically paying an account to upvote you, and the upvote can be worth slightly below $2 or even up to $16 (post-HF19)

Okay thanks for the heads up on the spelling ha. Cool, I might give it a go now as I only got 2 upvotes on my last post :(

Someone actually created an account with the name randomwhale to mimic randowhale lol. @randowhale is currently sleeping, meaning you can't use his service now. Do follow him to see when he finishes recharging. I read somewhere that it's better to use it on posts which has gotten some traction.

Ah right. Great account idea. He must make loooads of cashwa. Or is it done by the developers? Okay I'd better not use it on that then, although it's now got 3 upvotes :D

No I think it's a random dude :P

WOW. He has done well for himself!

I second trusting in the @randowhale. he's my big fat squishy sea buddy on all my posts!

Great post upvoted and followed! Keep up the good work :)

We would love to have you join the EsteemNet community!! Join the Discord Text Chat Channel and Check out our Introduction Post to learn how we plan to engage and reward content creators like you.

Thanks @esteem-net! I'll check it out.

Congratulations. I've been hard at it myself carving out a nice around here. So far, not too shabby! And yes, try the @randowhale, I do nearly every single one of my posts and I always thank the bot with a different little joke like we are the oldest of real friends. He's only really let me down once and I still got more than I paid - most times I get 3-7 dollars back for my 2 buck bet, sometimes 2, and once 1.30 but that was right before he was down two days "taking a nap" then HF hit and now he's back all good again today!

I just deposited $2 to randowhale so I'll see how it goes! Thanks for dropping by :)

Check your total before and after he comments!

I'll do! By the way, do you use chainbb or eSteem to comment? If you are, are you still getting upvotes for each comment? I get upvotes like really randomly.

I do not, but I do partake of the bots from #MinnowSupport / #MinnowSupportProject and P.A.L. :)

Ahh, how much do you normally get per upvote?

Just a few cents, sometimes 15 or 20, but there is also some kind of chain or trail or something, because, I'll end up at a couple bucks and tons of votes and I recognize the names as my followers/followees and fellow minnows from minnowsupport chat on discord.

Oh and I tried to surprise @randowhale you a few minutes ago, but Randy is taking a nap, and he returned my $2.

Literally, the memo says he is taking a nap, and it's said that before. @randowhale is a hoot. :)

Haha thanks for the gesture :P He'll be back in a few hours!

Nice, congratulation! Maybe you can make a post about how to withdraw from Steemit.

Thanks @walkinharmony! I've no idea how to withdraw it yet but there are official posts on it.

Impressive earnings! I'm pretty sure I didn't get that much in my first week :P

Love the quote, haha

Thanks! The payout increased due to HF19!

Thanks @steemitqa! Aren't you the mod at

Congrats! My first payout just happened too! 😎

Where is your country?

Hey congrats as well! I'm from Malaysia. :)

Congratulations! I can only imagine how rewarding that must feel!

Thanks! It does feel rewarding :)

Happy for you! I joined five days ago! I will let you know when I do my first payout!

Do let me know! I'll check it out :)

I'm following you How To Start A Blog!

Thanks, I'm also following you :)

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