Love & marriage 27 - Surviving Life!

in #love7 years ago (edited)

Today I want to write to you about the importance and significance of your marriage.

Like the Bible said that the man will leave his parents and he will cleave to his wife. That is the way it is the day when you got married, both of you, left your parent's houses and start your new life together. You start up just the two of you. That is the essence of your marriage the two that became one and now it is you against the world.


You did or did not start a family. Now it is the two of you and the children, the most important structure in society. If the family fails, society will fail. That it the main aim of the enemy, it is his strategy to let marriages fail. Failed marriages lead to broken people and broken children. Broken children lead to a lot of problems in society, drug addiction, alcohol addiction psychopaths, sociopaths, depression, suicide, teenage pregnancies and the scope goes so much wider. All of this leading to lots more of problems. Just think of a teenager who commits suicide what impact that has on a parent for the rest of his life.

problem child.jpeg

The biggest favor you can do yourself, your spouse, your children and society are to watch and protect your marriage and your family. Keep your relationships strong, that is your only defense against the onslaughts of life that will come at you. Your home and your spouse will be your fort where you can hide and be protected. Where you can take cover till it is safe to come out. A safe place to let your wounds heal. Your family unit is this safe place for everyone in the family.
Everything you work for in this life will stay here on earth after you are gone. The only thing that will have value in eternity is your relationships. Firstly your relationship with God and then your relationship with your family and people. When your children remember you, they won't remember how hard you worked to provide the physical and worldly things for them. They will remember the time when they were sick and you came from work to care for them. That you were there when their beloved pet died. TIme spend equals love. The greatest gift you can give is your time, and the best time to give it is always now.

Life is not so easy every day, if you had a smooth life, then I am thankful on your behalf. Life comes with lots of problems for most people some time or other in their lives. If you are all alone in this world without the support of a spouse or at least another family member, I don't think most of us would make it in this life. That is why is so important to everyday work on your marriage and strengthening that bond so that you can stand tall, like a tree, still standing despite the storm. Survivng the storms of life and coming out of the storms together.


After you raised your children, they will go their way and in the end, it will be again just the two of you against life. Most children are so busy with their own lives they don't have even time to visit their parents. How you looked after your marriage will now dictate what kind of life will you have. Did you through the years become closer together, supporting and loving each other, so you can now enjoy your golden years together. Or did you not learn to communicate and now all you do the whole day will be quarreling, breaking each other down?

We have a saying old age is not for sissies. If you are not there for each other when your health will start to fail, you will be bitter and feeling utterly alone. If you have strenghtened the marriage bond through the years, you will go together through this last phase of life. The stronger one supporting and looking after the weaker one, honoring your marriage vows till death do us part.


Images: pixabay and pexels and my own.

Thank you for reading, be blessed!


@hope777 and @scott777


Nice. So many people are willing pay thousands to go to the university to study something that more then fifty percent of grads don't get a field in. Yet so few are willing to ask advice or read from people who have strong marriages with the proven years to solidify that the advice is worthy of study.
There are great books out there like: Love and respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. I hope your post inspires at least one couple. That would make all the deference. :)

Good read. I saw some good things in the posts. Resteemed Blessings - Troy

Thank you, Troy for your continued support. :-)

Yes, I do agree growing old can get lonely. I help a widow now that her husband is gone. I miss him terribly and the greatest thing I can do to honor him is to be there for his wife. Their children never came around before the husband died, but they were truly happy together. Then when he died they came around for about two weeks. Now everyone is gone again and she is truly lonely.

I know from their past that he was a raging alcoholic and quit about 20 years ago. This did not help the children as they were already grown and now I see the effect it had on their family as a whole.

Thank you @lexikom082 for your comment. I am so glad you are there for her. Fulfilling the command to carry each other's burdens. I know you don't do for rewards but nonetheless, you will receive a reward in heaven.

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