Living in the Past

in #life6 years ago

The idea for this article came to me while talking with some older friends (in their 40s), who seemed to find it terribly funny that I didn't understand their references to a television program from the communist period. But the reason I didn't understand it was that the communist era itself ended in my country 10 years before I was born (so, almost 30 years ago now).
So, I protested that of course I don't know what they're talking about and they reassured me they weren't laughing at me, rather at themselves, because my unknowing made them feel old.

But the thing is, it only means you're old if all your jokes come from when you were 20.
So, it's nothing to do with age really, but with a state of mind. If you're fifty, but remain stuck in your youth and you only love things from thirty years ago and the only jokes you make are old ones that used to be popular when you were a kid, then yeah, you're old.
If you're fifty, but make jokes relevant to the present and know the latest trends and allow life to pass through you, and for you to change, even if it means taking some disappointments along the way, you're not.
It's a common phenomenon, I'm sure you've had the misfortune of coming across such a person. Well, it's not an actual misfortune, in the sense that it harms you personally, but it's very sad and depressing, at least to me.
I'm talking about the people who get stuck somewhere on Memory Lane and can't quite manage to find their way back to the present. Fear not, for these people are not sad per se, they have many things to speak fondly about. The sad part is that most of these things happened twenty years ago. Or thirty, or fifty. Typically, they remain stuck in their youth, their time of glory, when they were young and felt that the world was theirs.

Because something happened, the world was mean to them somehow, and they prefer not to think about that. Instead of facing their failures (which are normal; everyone amasses them over the years), and whatever reason for unhappiness, they choose to save their feelings for times gone by, when such failures and disappointments weren't in the picture.
They try to create some sort of time machine, designed to save them from the present.

Achievers of Nothing

I think this type of behavior stems from the fact that at this point int their life, they're drifting. They're drifters through the world, having nothing to show for their life, no real career to speak of, no great romance, no children to bring them satisfaction. People who are, for some reason, discontent with their lives. Because I've mostly come across this attitude with this type of people.
I think the phrase “a trip down memory lane” is very accurate, because life's a journey, not a destination, and the trick to not getting stuck in the past is to keep moving. It's passing through all sorts of phases in your life, enjoying them in their time, but also knowing when it's time to move on.
So no, people who are present – be they fifty or seventy-five – won't talk fondly only about things they used to do and music they listened to when they were kids. No, because they'll have interesting things to talk about now.

Oh yes, it was great when we used to go see X show, remember? Boy, those were the days!

But it's been thirty years since those days, regardless of how great X show was. What have you been doing in the meantime? You can't tell me the only great show you ever saw in your life was three decades ago.
See, I think this is an important part of not living in the past – retaining the ability to fall madly in love with things.
For example, my mom discovered Motorhead a few years ago and completely fell for it, she allowed it to become all-encompassing,a lifestyle. A couple of years back, we both had an obsession with the TV show Sons of Anarchy. It's passed, in the meantime. As all things should.
Her friend, on the other hand, hasn't felt that way about anything – men, music, books, films, whatever – for decades. The sort of person who when asked about their favorite actor says something like Humphrey Bogart (amazing, but sadly, long dead).

These people retain the twisted, pathetic hope that if they don't move on from their moment in the sun, from the time they were twenty, neither will the world. But that doesn't work, it can't work.

It seems devastating,I know. But it's not. Life is this amazing miracle at any age. There aren't worse ages or whatever, just different phases.

As Dylan Thomas once wrote, 'Time passes. Listen. Time passes.'

Key word: listen.

Thank you for reading,


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Old is a state of mind. We all get that way, old, but it doesn't define us. What we do on the journey to get there does though. I'm 48, not old, not young...Just 48. I have wisdom, make mistakes, am financially secure, but not as much as I'd like to be...Life is simply a journey.

Well, you don't seem old to me :) Life is a journey, but some people stop walking at some point. I always imagine that as this long white road and they're somewhere really behind, screaming after the ones who kept walking or maybe trying to talk to the new walkers, but those pass them by too...

Old is a state of mind.

I've always believed in this idea and someone actually chided me about it. 'I thought you didn't believe in age' - I don't, but you're old. It's not about age, it's about how you act, how you think etc. You can move or yu can stop moving.

You've said the point. Elders should live nowadays live, not to live in the past

Thank you. Yes, they should...

We're both writing about listening today - interesting!

I do find myself getting a bit cantankerous in old age, but that's just because new music is mostly crap, 'innit? And our new technologies are using us more than we are using them.

But then again, 90% of everything is crap (Sturgeon's law, again) and the people stuck in the past are cherry-picking the good moments. It's important to look for the good stuff today, too.

It's important to look for the good stuff today, too.

Precisely. I'm not saying don't say anything bad about any of the new stuff, but there are a lot of great new things you can discover everyday. People should be open to that.

Wow, in their 40's- that's really old!!! My motto is, "the good old days haven't got here yet." That keeps me from getting stuck!

I like your motto. If only more people thought like that...

And I didn't mean that 40 per se is old, just that this particular group were old. Not by age, but by how they acted. ;)

Ah... I just see myself as a guy that's been young for a really long time! There used to be a metal club here and I'd grab my SG and head down there Fri and Sat night to sit in with the bands. They used to call me Dr. Death because I managed cemeteries.

You got a 25.56% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @honeydue!'re the oldest 20 year old I know of.
(if fairness, that's not difficult - I don't know any others)..
😂 😂 😂

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