Hello all

My name is Aaron. I live in the woods, in southeastern Ohio, with my three kiddos. We are working toward becoming self sufficient, and much less dependant on the "normal" needs of modern life. We put out a large garden, every spring, and harvest every fall. We have almost 2k watts of solar power, and heat our home with wood. We are not primitive. We just choose to live a simpler life.

On the homestead we have some modern devices. Of course, we have internet, outside electricity, and a landline phone. Also, I am a licensed ham radio operator. (General class) I have a small woodworking shop, that I am hoping to make into some sort of a business. With the kiddos in school, and me working the homestead, we are always busy.

Why? I've been a pipefitter for about fourteen years. Over that time, I have been in the bottom of acid tanks, inside of boilers, and on top of the tallest smokestack that almost any coal burning power plant has to offer. I've worked out of town, and out of state, for months at a time. I realized that I was working so hard for a family that I was never able to see. I missed a few important moments, while my older two were young. I decided that I wouldn't miss any, with my youngest.

It was a little difficult, at first. Of course, the income being reduced, was an adjustment that had to be made. We had to live within our means. But after a few months, we settled into a rhythm of peace through necessity. Life was easier! Its been a long road, and I'mIMG_0049.JPG sure there will be more bumps to deal with. Follow along, if you will, to see that you too can have an easier life.


Interesting journey!

I know a lot of people are getting tired of the busy modern life. Still, it also brings a lot of benefits.

How self-sufficient do you plan to become?

Well, I guess the ultimate goal would be to never have to go to town. Of course that is probably next to impossible. We farm a little, and with our gardening, we are really supplementing our food needs.

That's awesome that you're already being able to grow your own food. Great start! Good luck with your journey!

Thank you very much!

I was born and raised in deep southeast Ohio and that's where my extended family still resides. The homesteading skills I know were learned from Appalachian relatives. We're up in Wisconsin now and plan to stay, but we still get down there for big family events. Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you very much! I've never been to Wisconsin, but I hear it has wonderful winters! Southeastern Ohio sure has its uniqueness. Just about any time of the year, you can be surprised with the weather! In fact, we are just jumping into a deep freeze that is supposed to last for about two weeks. (subject to change, of course) haha.

Welcome to steemit! If you are ever looking for a group, actually a community, of homesteaders/gardeners/self-sufficient like-minded people, I am the moderator of a group here... also the "un"official ambassador to the group.

let me know and I can post an invite link here for you!

Thank you very much, and I welcome a link.

Here you go.. any questions just ask

Join Link: https://discord.gg/VKCrWsS

Welcome! Your Journey sound similar to ours. My husband @Bluerthangreen is sharing our story on his blog currently. Nice to meet you!

I learned something today!! You and @bluerthangreen are together! How cool!

My hubby has no interest in working/posting online.. then again he works 60-70 hours a week outside the home. But it would be nice.. I see tons of spouses on steemit together!

Thank you! It's our not completely hidden secret :) my husband has a hard time too. He puts in a lot of hours manual labor. Thankfully it slows down I winter. We have a dream to homestead together with our 4 kids we have presently. Steemit could be a key for us, so we are both trying. It can be hard...those long hours away.

Good luck to you!

Thank you for your hospitality. I will check you out.

Welcome to Steemit... a very nice introduction post..

Thank you very much!

Welcome to Steemit Aaron! I look forward to seeing more of your posts. Following!

This post has earned the #healthy-home seal of approval!

Welcome to steemit! Hope you make some new friends who can help with the "orientation", and you have a fruitful time here.

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