Homemade Mayo

Got a minute? That's all you need for simple, easy, healthy, homemade mayo! 

It's so easy to walk down the grocery store aisle and grab a jar of mayo, right? Lift, place in cart, ring it up, take it home. Viola! You are done! However, the oils that are in store bought mayo may not be the healthiest for you. Not to mention the preservatives that they put in there to keep the mayo lasting longer.

Did you know that you could make homemade mayo in less than 2 minutes and with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen? It's totally true, my friends. 5 easy ingredients and NO added sugar yields you a smooth and creamy, lemony delight!

In the past, I have failed at homemade mayo. More times than I really care to admit. I wanted to cry at the thought of expensive oils going "down the drain" as the homemade mayo remained runny and nasty looking. You too? 

ingredients for homemade mayo

Is it really possible to make homemade mayo that is thick and creamy like store bought?


Why, yes it is. I have seen recipes that you drizzle the oil in, while a blender is running, or while you are whisking your heart out for 20 minutes. Who has time for that? What I have found that makes the easiest, no-fail homemade mayo is layering the ingredients properly. Seriously, that's the "secret."

Allowing the egg to sit on the bottom to be blended first into the oil makes it so easy to get a creamy, thick mayo. Call it science, call it magic, I just call it amazing. I have used this technique time and again, and always gotten consistent results.

homemade mayo

For the eggs, we are using the entire whole egg. I personally am not worried about the whites being "raw", as I either use fresh eggs from my backyard flock or eggs that have been properly refrigerated the entire time. If this scares you, you can try and sub 2 yolks instead of 1 whole white. You may not get as thick of a mayo, however. 

You can use either bottled lemon juice, OR the juice of 1/2 of a lemon. I personally use the bottled lemon juice as it's more readily available at an affordable price in my area. 

I like using avocado oil over olive oil in this recipe, as the olive oil has a strong flavor. Any light oil, such as avocado or grapeseed oil will do great with this. However, if olive oil is all you have, then that's what  you use. It will still be great homemade mayo, but with a slightly stronger flavor. 



  • 1 whole egg
  • 1 Tablespoon bottled lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 cup avocado oil


  1. Layer the ingredients in a jar, in order given.
  2. Allow the egg to sink to the bottom of the jar, and the oil to remain on top. This may only take about 10 seconds.
  3. Place an immersion blender at the bottom of the jar and "whir" for about 30 seconds. You'll see the mayo beginning to form.
  4. Slowly raise the blender up as the mayo is blending.
  5. Add more salt to taste, if desired.
  6. Store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. 

What is your favorite homemade mayo recipe? Be sure to let me know if you try and like this one! 

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homemade mayo in a jar

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://recipesfromthehomestead.com/homemade-mayo/

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