Holybread New Developers

in #gaming4 years ago

Hello everyone!

My name is @simplegame and I have recently acquired the servers/database/artwork/discord (other assets) of the Blockchain Game Holybread.

I know there have been many rumors that the game is dead or dying. These were just rumors! Due to the pervious devs love for the game and community they managed to keep things running until they could find a new team to take over.

I would like to introduce that new team to you now:

@simplegame (myself)
With over 25+ years of table-top game design, 25+ years of Networking design experience. He will be handling the direction of the game and over seeing server/database deployments along with balancing business costs / player enjoyment.
Basically responsible for making Holybread fun for the players and profitable for the team to keep up and running.

Bringing an Economics M.S. as well as 10+ years of experience as a Director of Analytics he fits nicely into the team. Starting day one of the acquisition he is actively attacking the code base and game economy. No changes make it to live servers without his nod of approval.

Passion for the player experience has driven @wren1221 's entire gaming life. Never afraid to question designers/Game Masters, she makes sure you see the player's side in everything. As a vocal voice in discord, customer service issues will be addressed or assigned to the proper team member. She is your voice into the team.

Play tester, part-time designer, quality assurance is his thing. Breaking things is his goal, pushing code to its limits, thinking of things to try normal gamers would never do, he is constantly giving the team "Trouble tickets" to fix. Unseen but invaluable to the game stability.

A complete communication black out is not only scary in the real world, in the Virtual world it is deadly, destroying products, reputations, and games at the speed of light!

WE can not let that happen. So while being available in discord I will be doing blog posts on a regular basis covering various topics about Holybread.

Right now I am committing to a weekly Roadmap update post every Sunday posted on the Hive blockchain.

Other posts will be sprinkled in between these Roadmap updates covering the follow topics.

Game design: Where are we going and what is the thought process behind it? (Theory and Technical)
In game economy: What is our current issue and strategies to fix?
State of the game: Goal for the game & company. (answering the question: Are you profitable/stable?)
This is an update to our approach of our long, long list of things to do.

1st Milestone:
We acquired all assets and built out our team and tools.

Bigger gameplay changes that need minor code verus full refactoring of codebase
-We are going to be introducing the BARBARIAN & the BARD !!! With new items for the classes.

These are our biggest issues to make this game better. Next is a list of things we are working on also. These are in the planning stage and in the next ROADMAP update will have more specifics

Revamp Quests / eliminate energy
Economy / (300 pound Gorilla in the ROOM... Breadcrumbs)
Dungeons/Towers, PvE areas to test your team
Item system rework/overhaul
Integration of marketplace with play-by-post RPG's
Quick fix for epic/Legendary items
New Potions
Community events
Summary. (FREE BREAD)
Now I know a lot of you want specific dates. I would LOVE to give them but we are actively working on all of this. We had a 4 hour coding conference call this morning and another scheduled for tonight. We will update you as fast as we can about our progress.

I want to give a big thank you to all players for helping support Holybread since its inception, without you we would not have this great opportunity.

So as a small thank you from our team to you all players of Holybread that upvote this post and reply with a comment will have a chance of winning 50 BREAD. One winner will be selected for every 6 unique username comments. This roll and winner announcements will be in the comments of this post.

I hope this addresses some of the issues you have and gives you an idea of where the Team wants to take Holybread.
Let me know in the comments more of what topics you want discussed in these posts.



Good luck @simplegame and the dev team :)

Thanks man we appreciate it.


I wish you a lot of success and good luck.

I had time without going through the network and now that I reviewed the game I saw the changes, it caught my attention and that's why I came to the blog to find out what was happening.

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