
i would call it steemit, it is neither linkedin or facebook, it is on blockchain, and have different purpose

Thank you fir this helpfull article.

No problem! :)

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Posted using Partiko Android

Definitely a lot of food for thought here.

I agree that Steemit is not truly like Facebook, but hadn't thought to equate it with LinkedIn, which feels closer to the truth.

I do think your advice on interacting with the blockchain is sound, and I'll be rethinking some things along those lines; let's just say I'm taking it under advisement.

As for your list of great Steemians to get to know, I literally recognized one name, so I'll do my best to check them out in the coming days. I'm always up for meeting great people. ;-)

Yes, I think this post could make a good ebook. Again, lots of food for thought, and a better intro into how Steemit functions than most I've read.

I tend toward long form posts myself, and am currently in the process of expanding some into a series of ebooks on natural health and healing, so I appreciate the advice you've given along those lines.

Have a great day, and good luck with your ICO ebook launch!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks so much for your comment! I really appreciate all the feed back you gave.

I love reading about natural health. followed.

Thanks, always nice to connect with like-minded folk. It's been a passion of mine for years.

In case you're not familiar, there is a @naturalmedicine group here on Steemit, and discord, with some really active bloggers sharing first rate information.

Check us out, I guarantee you'll learn a lot. I have, and I've been at this for years. ;-)

Posted using Partiko Android

excellent post, nice work. Steem is not facebook but it is also not drugwars and linkedin for some reason dont seem to together in my head. Steem is a creators platform, from developers to artists and it is inclusive, not exclusive

Thanks for your comment!

I keep hearing about publishing books and selling them via crypto - which would be kinda like selling via the stock market, as I see it. What's a dollar with today? Last year it was worth $14 SBD. Today....$0.33...? That's it? Thirty cents on the dollar? How would one price a book and sell via the blockchain--or did I totally miss the boat here? Thanks to my review of a book about blockchain here at Steemit, @carlgnash showed me how to Power Up. (See, it pays to confess one's ignorance, when it leads to offers of assistance!) Anyway, thank you for this post,, and I'll be watching for updates.


Very interesting post, and you just got yourself a new follower

There are definitely a few misconceptions about Steem/Steemit... most of which revolve around the fundamental issue that this place doesn't really have an identity.

Is it an investment? Is it a social content site? Is it a place to build dApps on the Steem blockchain? Is it a place to make money? There's no focus here... the perception of "what this is" is all over the map. Add to that, we have "Dan's vision" and we have "Ned's vision" and then we have hundreds of different "visions" according to various developers and bloggers with a dream. All of it adds up to an incomprehensible soup.

As an analogy, it reminds me of a large beautiful, well-built and sleek boat... put 100 well-meaning idealistic people on it... EXCEPT, some have oars, some have paddles, some have sails, some have outboard motors, some have only their hands... and everyone starts "sailing" the boat, but we have NO idea where we are going, or who's doing what.

In a sense, it is (in my opinion) the "Achilees heel" of decentralization...

Is this LinkedIn? Beats me... I have a cat blog! It probably belongs on Facebook...

But this is still one of the best articles I have read in a long time, so re-steeming, for whatever limited visibility I can offer!



For me Steem is just Steem. Hard to compare with another social media platform! For sure now more and more dapps are showing up!


Thanks for commenting!

What professional would post here when anyone (all inclusive) can respond to their post with any kind of spam and obscene thing they wish with complete impunity for as long as they wish?

Hi baah, thanks for commenting. Well, my answer to your question is a strong devotion to free speech principles. I hate censorship with a passion, so much, that I accept others' right to disagree with me, or even troll me.

Yes, but we are talking about business. I can't go into any business and "troll" people. I can do that here with impunity, so who would be willing to put their business at such a risk?

Posted using Partiko Android

Okay, then my follow up response is that businesses will come to the blockchain because they must. Steem offers new ways for investors, content producers, businesses and socializers to reward and be rewarded with immutable expression. This has a value, and will draw people in over time. Businesses set up shop where there are customers/clients. As long as customers exist on a network, businesses will participate.

We don't have to concern ourselves with whether private businesses like decentralization or immutability, because if their clientele like it, they'll accept the new order of things.

My argument is risk Vs rewards. You're saying that "they must" and I don't see how that's a contention to my argument at all. What is the value for any business in decentralization and immutability when my point is that both are risks, not rewards of any kind. The rewards are tapping into the system, getting the users to buy, to consume whatever the business is about. Yet obviously, when will they come? Why would they risk the lack of control over who they wish to do business with? At best, they might accept steem, until they realize that anyone can spam them for 0.001 steem with whatever they wish: child porn, decapitation videos, any and all scams, and their wallet will literally be hijacked. Immutability and decentralization is fine, but when you cannot post anything without refusing responses, when you cannot do anything to stop your wallet being spammed, then who will want to risk such things, who would like to be associated with such things?

Businesses can set up shop wherever there are customers /clients but that doesn't mean anything. The only thing that matters is if they can turn a profit. Explain to me how or why any business would risk so much, for literally so little? Rewards isn't an explanation or argument, much like "they must" isn't an argument. You seemingly missed the whole point of business, to be profitable, and the whole drawback of decentralization and immutability, Steem is as far from exclusive as you can get. You literally cannot point to any other iteration of decentralization and immutability (inclusiveness) more than steem as far as I know. Every other system, even ZeroNet which is torrent+blockchain has more control. Freedom comes with a price. No business will set up shop in a lawless environment unless they seek to avoid laws. That is probably why three years after this fully functional system went live it has still not seen any real adaptation, and especially nothing in terms of real brick and mortar businesses.

You see, Freedom of speech is a mighty noble thing, but not all expressions should be free to be expressed. The same for freedom of association, it's fine, but not everyone wants to be associated with everyone and some associations should never be enabled. That's why this is very much like the wild west except there are no guns and nobody sleeps, so the strongest are always The Win, and that is why the only real things that are popular and possible are Gambling and Hookers(drugwars), granted even those only exist by the grace of the strongest(bidbot this post forthewin:proof of solicitation).

Literally on my feed, there's a new post by @kyle about...


Talk about a case for steem.

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You probably don't know this, but on this immutable decentralized blockchain, @dan the creator of steem and it's head developer until he left just over 2 years ago, not long before he quit, he mentioned that he was working on a flagging system apart from downvoting (curation). That was an inkling of exclusivity, which any community if it wished to have some semblance of law and order, will need, because if you cannot respond to lawless actors and actions then you will always be at their mercy. It's such a fundamental thing that it amazes me how many people are entrenched against any such things. It's probably because they don't see that both immutability and decentralization can be employed to facilitate a response to such actions and actors, and even a response to the response if it need be, and the same people otherwise seem to have an instinctual recoil from any kind of law, any kind of order, and despite the fact that the community here is largely self declared anarchist of one kind of another, I consider myself a rational anarchist, but I can understand the value of law, of order, and especially of mediation and conflict resolution. There is no such things in complete lawlessness and no hope for it.

Posted using Partiko Android


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