China: What are some mind blowing facts about China?

in justshoplife2 years ago

China: What are some mind blowing facts about China?

In the annals of unintended consequences, this one takes the cake:

The confluence of China's "one child per family" policy (now several decades in force) and the Chinese cultural preference for male children to "carry the family name" resulted in a dynamic where families in China who only get one chance to have a child, want to get it "right."

And by "right," they mean a boy
/male heir.

Consequently, sex-selection abortions are rampant.

Depending on the region in China, there are about 117~120 boys born, for every 100 girls.

In a nation of a billion+ people, where female fetuses are wiped out by the millions every decade, the net result is that China has approximately 30 million surplus men between age 25 to 40 who will never find a partner.

To put that into perspective, 30 million is greater than the entire adult population of California. 30 million is also greater than the combined adult populations of Texas plus New York.

30 million is more than the total adult population of Canada.

China has 30 million young men who will never marry and never find a mate.

Guys, you know how cranky you get, when you haven't been laid in a few months.

Now multiply that by 30 million, then multiply that by FOREVER.

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