Comment contest!//Outdoor family get together//5 SP prize

in Knack4buzz2 days ago

Assalamualaikum steemians


This is again 'Comment Section Contest' we have organized with a new unique topic!

Hints you should keep in mind

You just need to share outdoor family get together best joke,best photo,best moment or anything entertaining you want in 50-100 words

Rules you have to follow

Hereby the guidelines:

• Your comment must be original

• Your comment should contain a minimum of 50 words.

AI generated text or plagiarized content is strictly prohibited(In case of any of misconduct you will be labeled + muted from the community)

• Be creative and engage with others!

Deadline: 11th September to 18th September.


The winners will be announced after payout of this post.

Prize distribution

1st place1.5 SP
2nd place1.5 SP
3rd place1 SP
4th place1 SP

Waiting for your interesting entries







Assalamu'alaikum sahabat stemian,disini saya akan membagikan momen bahagia saya bersama keluarga saya,yang mana pada waktu itu saat weekend saya membawa anak-anak saya pergi berlibur ke Waterboom yang ada di Lhokseumawe,tempatnya yang asri,jauh dari polusi udara,dan juga tempat yang luas,membuat anak-anak saya senang dan nyaman bermain di
tempat itu,sambil bermain air dan berlarian bersama,sehingga waktu sudah hampir larut tetapi mereka merasa enggan untuk menyudahi permainan mereka,tapi apapun itu kami harus segera kembali pulang,dan lain kali kami pasti akan kembali lagi ke tempat ini.

Hai teman, apakah ini taman atau tempat bermain? Menghirup udara segar selalu menyenangkan. Bukan berarti saya keluar rumah kecuali untuk bersepeda ke tempat kerja dan kembali. Saya rasa itu sudah cukup untuk berolahraga. Karena anjing saya sakit, saya tidak bisa mengajaknya jalan-jalan jadi kami tinggal di taman. Semoga hari Anda menyenangkan.

Ini adalah sebuah taman bermain sekaligus tempat berenang,tempat favorit bagi anak-anak,apalagi dirumah kami tidak ada kolam renang,jadi di tempat tersebut mereka senang sekali bisa berenang dengan bebas

It's longer ago we went out with the family by now we all live in different places and a part of us travel up and down because of a job or other obligations. It's what happens if you have to make a living or with open boarders and the home country has nothng to offer. The next gathering together most likely will be in December but it's not sure since we've learned that within a few days the word goes crazy and an epidemic is spread or a war is started. Our gatherings are limited let alone going out together (way too expensive we rather stay home and watch a film) but that's fine. We speak another daily (or at night) and are updated. Once together it's as if the weeks or months separated never existed.


My younger son who is only 8 years old. Now he likes to travel. During my holidays I almost take him outside for a walk. Sometimes in a park, sometimes in a garden, sometimes by a river. I enjoy the excitement very much. He likes to go especially near the river. He stares in amazement at the launch steamers passing by the river and asks me a thousand questions on various occasions. I try to help him with all the information I know. That's how my son is. One day you will know everything.


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Assalamu Alaikum how are you Steemian how are you I am also fine I hope you all are doing well today I am going to share my happy moments with you all on August 14th we all went to Pak India border together as a family. There saw the parade of soldiers, the children roamed around the park, it was a beautiful moment, the children were running around, very happy to see their happiness, and we all, who were adults, were also happy to see how happy the children were. Then we also had to return home, so we returned home before evening and Inshallah, we will definitely go there again. It was such a beautiful place, there was such a beautiful parade and a beautiful scene. Enjoyed watching a great competition and we will definitely go back there

 2 hours ago 

Liburan suatu hal yang sangat menyenangkan bila dilakukan bersama dengan keluarga, apa lagi anak-anak. Mereka ini tidak bisa mendengarkan kata LIBURAN pasti akan bersorak dan meloncat-loncat.

Kalau kita pilih tempat untuk sebuah liburan buat anak-anak pastinya akan mengajak ke playground dalam ruang tertutup tidak panas dan sebagainya.

Ini ada kalanya anak juga akan merasa jenuh, sekali-sekali perlu juga di ajak ke alam terbuka biar bisa menikmati suasana alam bebas.


Alam terbuka itu, tidak mesti ke pegunungan atau pun pinggir laut, bisa juga seperti wahana ini.

Disini juga bisa mengenal bermacam jenis dinosaurus, yang selama ini mereka lihat di film kartun.

Pertama lihat, mereka seperti takut begitu, karena ada gerak-gerak kepala, kalau berfoto harus jauh-jauh.

Dari pada takut, saya pun mengajak mereka untuk meraba, memegangnya biar rasa takut dan rasa penasarannya hilang.

Namanya juga anak-anak pasti ada wawww gitu.

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