Black Kittens Matter!!! Caturday 11/10/18; Owen comes home. YAY!


Owen Lives!

Wow what a week this has been for Caturday. It was just last week I felt a small lump on Owens belly feeling concerned. Next, just a couple days later, he almost dies from the most severe urinary track infection. We got him to the Vet just in time it all so happened so fast. The Vet even said, "You got one sick pussy." Ok, so he didn't say that but you know what I mean! His urinary track was completely blocked. He had to be hospitalized for 3 whole days. Had we waited any longer he would of died like it was that close.

They had to use the catheter. He peed lots of blood for the first day but then started getting better peeing on his own after that. His kidneys were completley full. His bladder almost ruptured. By day three he was doing just fine and we could bring him home. So, after an $827 Vet bill later, my big fat fluff ball Owen is home! They sent him home with this cone on HA HA. He hated it so I just took it off of him.

Here he is just being hissed at by his twin fluff ball brother Oscar, who has been the biggest asshole to Owen since he got home. They do this crap!

It looks like he lost a little weight. His fluff has deflated some. I went ahead and took the gause off of him too. His arms are shaved where they had the IVs in him so he looks kind of funny. Like its some kind of new cat fashion LOL.

As far as the tumor goes, they left it alone. They said it was small and that one day it would have to be removed. We just got to keep an eye out if it starts getting bigger. For now it is small and we hope it stays that way. Which means Owen's battle still isn't over. In the future it will probably be another $800 Vet bill rolls eyes.

As a result of Owen's urinary track infection he is going to have to only eat this expensive ass health food for now on. Or as I call it, the Catkins Diet! The Vet sent us home with this bag. Which means, all 7 of our other kitties are going to have to switch to eating this stuff. Which means all of my kitties are now on the Catkins Diet. We put cat health first in our house! The Vet said he could develop another urinary track infection just as bad if he didn't eat this stuff. And we can't afford to have another $800 Vet bill. This stuff is expensive too! I'm going to need to make a gofundme page to pay for all of this. Maybe pay off his Vet bill? That'd be nice!

For now it is great to have Owen home with is. He has been real loving and sweet to us the last 24 hours. He has been very vocal too. It didn't take him long to find him on the floor in front of the laundry basket rolling around like a happy goofy kitty again. Which is good! He is also mingling well again with the rest of the kitties. Except Oscar, he is still being an asshole.

You can read my story from earlier this week here...

Thanks for reading and have a happy Caturday!


Stay Un-Tune-Ed


That's some good news....long live Owen. Wishing him the very best 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks Eric! I just wish we would of had the same results with the kittens we found a few months ago. Oh well you can't save them all but we did save Owen.

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