Tonight I Really Miss My Buddy, Pets Really are a Part of the Family.

in #cats7 years ago

I Was Going Through My Dropbox and I Came Across a Bunch of Images of Patricio.

As many of you know he died almost three months ago. The feelings came rushing back. I might be a big guy but when it comes to family and friends I am a big softy. Patricio was by far the best non-human buddy I ever had. He was a street cat for a few years before the lady we adopted him from took him in. He was the most appreciative fat cat ever.

His favorite thing was digging out the lizard holes and catching them. He just played with them and rarely killed them, thank goodness. He would always bring them to me and I would set them free. He would get filthy in the process. I admit that he was the least tidy of any cat I have ever had. I actually had to wipe him down sometimes because he was just terrible at self grooming.

Here is an image of him chilling with me as I was relaxing in the hammock. He always would follow me wherever I went.

Patricio Would Go On Walks With Us!

Have you ever heard of a cat going on a walk? This was a first for me. He would usually make it about half way and turn back but I always thought it was cool. All the neighbors thought it was funny. They were not too happy when we would just wonder into their homes though. On more than one occasion a neighbor was knocking on our door with Patricio in tow.

Our Cats Tolerated Each Other.

They rarely showed each other affection. It was more like a love, hate relationship. The image below shows them next to each other but that image is deceiving because within a minute Susy would be swatting him. He was very jealous and would often chase her away by laying on her if she was too close to me. It was pretty funny because he weighed twice what she weighed.

Now Three Months On Susy is Happy as Hell.

I took this photo the other night. Never in 4 years has she laid on my feet like this. She has turned into the most loving cat ever. Now she follows me all around the house. I take her for walks on the leash and she loves it. Of course I miss my buddy Patricio but at least Susy is now becoming what I always hoped she would be, a part of the family.


Animals give us more than we can ever give them, sorry for your loss.

sorry for your loss. I think heaven is where we are reunited with all of our lost pets.

I sure hope so!

I don't call mine pets. They are fur-babies

Sorry to hear about your loss! Pets are a big part of our lives. I lost mine less than a year ago. It was tough.

Great post! I type with a tear in my eye. In my case it was a small dog (Shih Tzu) named Oreo.

Yup, every pet owner goes through it. Sorry for your loss. This was the second time I felt attached to an animal like this. The first was a Belgian Shepherd that I adopted from the Carabinieri in Sicily. They didn't want the female because she was too small for police work. I took her and like Patricio was a great friend. Sadly she died shortly after returning to the USA.

great post, i love cats :)

I'm so sorry for your loss! I'm sure your Susy feels your sadness and is doing her best to comfort you and Patricio is watching happily if not slightly jealously from above!

I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Life works in mysterious ways. We loss who we live and through the loss, our perceptions and perspectives change. The hurt will always remain, but it becomes more barebale over time.

Oh, sorry for your loss :(. I had a cat that walked with me. Everywhere, for years. It was great, he was the talk of the town. Isn't it funny how your other cat is now? They are wonderful!

Wow, so others have experienced the walks. It was so freaking cool. Yes, the transformation of Susy is really magical.


Thank you, I followed you. ; )

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