Rise of the Dolphins on Steemit.com

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


This Morning I was Curious to See the Top Trending Accounts Over the Last Seven Days on Steemit.

To my surprise it was an entirely different set of accounts than I am used to seeing. I was also thrilled to see my account up there near the top. This is a first for me! I am usually on page two or three.

Screenshot of the 7 Day Trending Page from Steem Whales.


I Know You are Asking Yourself, "Why are These Accounts Doing Well?"

Due to the experiment conducted by the whales it opened an opportunity for accounts that have built a large audience, through engagement, to step forward and get some exposure. If you look closely at MOST of these accounts they have been here since the early days but they earned their way to Dolphin status through blogging and being an active part of the community. I also noticed that almost everyone has a reputation score of at least 70 the other three accounts will be there soon.

Congratulations @KingsCrown for taking the top spot over the last 7 days!

Congratulations to all for sticking with the platform and showing up to the social media game and playing every day. I am constantly asked how to do well on Steemit. My words are the same for Steemit or any other social media platform, "show up, engage and create content consistently". If a person does that they will succeed. If not you will end up being just another abandoned account. Cheers to all!

Happy Birthday Steemit!!

Source of the Dolphin Image


wow had no idea i was doing so good

Haha nice #HumbleBrag

Freaking amazing, as I handle the social channels I saw your posts doing well but I had no idea you were the beast of the the week!

I chek the trending page so i see usual 2 or 3 yours posts , no surprise at all :)

The rise of the dolphins!

What a great rise! Very nice!

Good informations :) Thank you :)

We need a rise of the minnows lol well done dolphins :)

interesting ;) great to be in the top 5 again ;)
for me the voting part is very satisfying . I am voting more than ever . my vote gives sometimmes 10$ now.. so this really motivates me to curate more

Holy crap, you are exploding upwards. I thought my $.30 upvotes were good.

sure the 30cents are if there are no other vovtes. but if a post at 100 $ my vote will bring it to 110 $. your should be able to give 3-4$ on a post with high rewards

Holy crap, you are exploding upwards. I thought my $.03 upvotes were good.

Congratulations on your ranking! The rise of the dolphins is great news for the rest of us too :)

Nobody cares about the minnows :(

All great people in that list - hope one day I can join them! Do not forget to party today - #DanceWeekend has its Birthday special and needs engagement Steemians - awesome post from an awesome guy @hilarski

Thank you @Uwelang. I imagine you will be there in no time.

nope - that take still a bit Bro! Thanks for your confidence in me though

Bunch of great contributors and active community members on that list! One of the first things I noticed was the uniformly high reputation scores... and that fact that I'm already following most of these great folks.

Onward towards many great years of Steemit, going forward!

Those scores jumped out at me as well. That shows me they engage, create content and shy away from controversy (for the most part).

It has been an exciting adventure to be a part of this wonderful community. I can only imagine what it will be like another year from now.....
Freaking Awesome!

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