An Honest Reaction to Superstar Steemit Vlogger's Last Post: A Fellow Steemer's Simple Observation and Response to Steem VLOGGER @sirlunchthehost 's Last STEEM VLOG

in #responsevideo7 years ago (edited)

I am by no means rippin' ya here, my Steemit friend, @sirlunchthehost. This is just some friendly, (albeit, SOBERING) advice for you to consider - from an old guy who's been around the block a couple times.

First, as you, no doubt, already know - with great power (or you could insert the words "prestige" or "fame") comes GREAT responsibility. I'm sure that many who follow you also look up to you. You are successful with your Steem posts; you produce content people seem to like and respond positively to and people, naturally, wanna emulate's something for ya to think about:

As you proclaim freedom from the centralized monetary slave-system of fiat currency to the decentralized crypto-currency culture and, as more and more people flock to you as their source for entertainment and information, I urge you to be aware of what kind of lifestyle you're currently projecting.

Of course, you're a free moral agent and you can do whatever you want, but my question to you would be this: If you were somehow able to get a glimpse of @sirlunchthehost 20 years from now (assuming you stay on your present course (of smoking and eating the kind of crap McDonald's is pumping out to the masses) what would he (@sirlunchthehost) look like. More importantly, what would he FEEL like?

Maybe you'll be a multi-millionaire, driving nice cars, living in fancy houses and jet-setting across the world in the private jet you talked about acquiring in yesterday's video.

However, using reason, and a plethora of independent studies and personal experience as confirmation, your arteries wouldn't be doing so hot and your lungs will have lost a great deal of their capacity to process much needed oxygen into the blood stream - not to mention all the other damaging complications smoking and spiking blood-sugar levels can do. Sure, you'd be rich and famous, but the ability to enjoy those riches and that fame would be greatly hindered by the life-style you've currently chosen to live...and display to others. And, in the bigger picture, how many people would you have influenced negatively to travel down that same avenue of poor health.

We've all seen the before and after smoking photos. A picture is definitely worth more than a thousand words in this case, dontcha think?

Again, I post this because I don't wanna see you continue harming yourself.

Since we live in the information age, I'm sure you already know about the horrors of cigarette smoking and the detrimental effects it can have on healthy lung tissue:

But, you may not be as aware of the dangers of routinely eating fast food, like McDonald's. So I made the following video to warn people who may just be uninformed about the importance of eating nutritious meals...and staying away from the processed poison being served up in today's microwave society.

You look to be in your twenties. Take my word for it: One day (sooner than you think) you're gonna blink and wonder how the hell it could be possible that you're now entering your 40s or 50s...or even 60s. And I double dog GUARANTEE you that you're gonna either WISH that you had taken better care of yourself, or you'll be GLAD you decided to make healthier choices for your life when you were young.

Okay, I'm done preaching.

Without further ado, this vid's for you:

Be healthy my friend. I wish you MUCH success. Peace!

If you are reading this and you are NOT @sirlunchthehost, make sure he gets this.

And if you, dear reader, wanna spread the word about the dangers of "eating fast" here's a provocative shirt that ALWAYS gets a conversation going: You can get your shirt for $5 off in the link below.

Your promo code to get $5 off any shirt in the store is "5off"
Here's the link:

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

Thanks for watching/reading. If you enjoyed this or, if it impacted you in any positive way, consider sharing and commenting. And, if you want, Upvote and alt text It's MUCH appreciated! Revenue generated goes back into creating even more "in-your-face" content. Peace!


1st! Upvoted, re$teemed & following!

wow nice post

@highimpactflix This is actually some incredible function!.

@highimpactflix thnx for putting this information all with each other..

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