POSITIVITY ALWAYS WINS: 2 Reasons Why Musicians NEED to Maintain a Positive Mindset

in #music7 years ago

Positivity is undervalued in the music industry. With so much attention on “making it”, networking, shedding, music distribution, PR, etc etc etc - it’s easy for positivity to fall by the wayside.

My hypothesis is that all sustainable success as a musician must come from a place of positivity. Even if your music is angry or sad, even if you have a cantankerous personality, you must tap into the immense power of positivity to find real success.

The worst case scenario is success without positivity. Have you ever met a successful person who was a total ass? It's sad and unpleasant to be around.

Misconceptions About Positivity

There are a lot of misconceptions about what it means to maintain a positive mindset, especially as a musician. It doesn’t mean you need to smile all the time or act like a hippie.

It DOES mean being pragmatic and working hard while truly wishing the best for yourself and everybody around you.

It does mean never trying to drag other musicians down, even if they seem to deserve it.

It does mean enjoying your friends’ successes just as much as you enjoy your own.

You can still swear like a sailor, you can still tell it how it is. You just have to be positive in the process.

I’m still pretty early in my career, but I’m also old as fuck in music terms - 26 years old. Most people my age are giving up or getting really weird - but I feel young, I feel happy, and I feel like the next 15 years of my life will be the music career of my dreams.

In this post I am going to refer to many quotes from famous and successful people. It’s not just me who thinks this way - there are so many badass people in the world preaching positivity.

Here are the two reasons why musicians need to maintain a positive mindset.

(1) Music Industry Relationships Are Messy. Positivity Is a Key Principle to Keep Them Healthy

“To blame someone for not understanding you fully is deeply unfair because, first of all, we don’t understand ourselves…” - Alain De Botton, Philosopher & Best Selling Author

Alain de Botton

Musicians are weird. They say that creative genius happens at the brink of insanity, and it’s a fact that many of the greatest artists have a lot of emotional complications, especially in their younger years.

On top of that, many people in this industry are, unfortunately, bitter. There are more than a few booking agents and managers who really crave to be a famous musician, but they got stuck with plan B.

These two factors make it very easy for communication to turn sour in the music world. Bandmates get angry at each other, records don’t get made. Tours turn into nightmares.

If you can bring genuine positivity and empathy to the majority of your music industry interactions, you will be a breath of fresh air in a difficult environment. Musicians fucking love to work with other people who have a decent head on their shoulders.

As success builds for an artist, the temptation to become some kind of “eccentric genius” gets stronger and stronger. It worked for Prince, why not for me? But the truth is, as you become more powerful and successful, your positivity only gains value.

“There are four people in any conversation.” - Tim Ferriss, famous Self-Improvement Guru and early stage Investor

Tim Ferriss

This quote refers to the idea that we all have a conscious and unconscious self. Your conscious self is the part of you that thinks in words and pictures, while your unconscious self is everything that lies beneath.

As we get older, we get more familiar with our unconscious selves. We realize that certain things that seem good on the surface may not actually be good for us on a deep level.

The idea is that every conversation, even if only two people are involved, is already dealing with FOUR different entities: each person’s conscious and unconscious selves all duking it out. That’s insane. Communication is complicated and messy. That’s why having the core principle of positivity is the ONLY WAY to maintain a healthy mindset in the long run.

Anything else eventually falls apart, and then people start acting like assholes by mistake. Don’t let it happen to you - use your positivity as a shield against becoming an ass.

(2) Insulting Other Bands Accomplishes Nothing

“Complaining is a Zero Return Investment” - Gary Vaynerchuk, Entrepreneurial Legend & Future Owner of the New York Jets

Gary Vaynerchuk

There are so many conversations in the music industry that accomplish nothing, other than to insult a bunch of people.

A band goes home from the gig and the whole ride back they shit on the other acts. “That headliner sucked! Who the fuck booked them? We should be more popular than that.” Or, even worse - “That other drummer got the gig because she’s friends with the singer. She’s terrible, it’s a bunch of crap.”

This negative mindset is a convenient way to avoid facing your own demons. It’s a lot easier to tell yourself that your band isn’t popular because “it’s just not fair”.

What the hell does “fair” mean in a music context? It’s all subjective! If somebody is popular, the only pragmatic solution is to try and understand why that is and to apply those lessons to your own life.

“Hate. It has caused a lot of problems in this world but has not solved one yet.” – Maya Angelou, Poet and Civil Rights Activist

Maya Angelou

We all have our personal limits. I understand that pop bands appeal to a larger audience due to the nature of their music - yet I have no interest in that. I choose to make the exact style of music that excites me. However, I don’t spend one ounce of my time to complain about pop - hell, I listen to all kinds of popular music.

To me, if I know that my style of music is less marketable, that just makes me all the more positive. I have an opportunity to prove everybody else wrong and show that what I’m creating has real value.

I know that people will love the music that I create. I’m working my ass off every day to make that real. I’m also proud as hell of my upcoming record, AND the one after that (which is already close to done) - so how the hell could I have time for negativity.

I also recognize that I’m not shit and that I have a huge huge way to go before I come close to reaching my true potential. That is even more exciting - that I can get EVEN BETTER from here, for decades to come.

Doesn’t that mindset sound rad to you? It does not matter what other bands sound like. I just want to help other hard working people succeed, so that we can all create awesome stuff and give the world beautiful music to enjoy.

I Challenge You To Be More Positive

Here’s a simple challenge: The next time you catch yourself saying negative things about yourself or other musicians, just stop.

That's it. No excuses, no bullshit. JUST LITERALLY STOP IT. It’s not helping you. If you need to express dissatisfaction about something, that is ok - but do it in a constructive way, not as an insult.

Can you think of a time when you maintained a positive mindset during a challenging situation? Did positivity help you in that moment? Please share your story in the comments - I’d love to hear it.


Wonderful article my friend!, you are right!, positive attitude is so important!... Negative vibe will attract the same negative shit to you, i try to stay away from that...

That's the best part... when you are relentlessly positive, you attract those awesome people towards you. Thanks for reading, always good to see you @dreamrafa :-)

It is so hard to remain positive sometimes.
But the value of a positive mental attitude on the rest of us: heart, body and soul, is absolutely priceless.

Totally agree. And the cool thing is positivity is like a muscle: the more you work on it, the stronger you become. :-)

That's definitely true

Lots of good examples here. I know it's something I struggle with. When you tap into some pretty dark places to inspire writing and art, it can be hard to switch that off for the business and career end. Plus I've got a family that won't do anything until they've pointed out every last thing that could go wrong. It's hard to shut out that kind of negative contamination.

It's not even limited to the business / career end... it's the life end. It's just, everything in life, being pragmatic and positive always wins. It doesn't mean being a pacifist or a hippie, but just acting from an internal place of "I want people to be happy".

I feel like in that context, even sad or angry music can be created with the knowledge that somewhere in there, the goal is to connect with people and express yourself - but not to actually increase the amount of anger or sadness in the world.

Family is super tough for sure. It can be a real drag when your relatives are constantly nit-picking...

even sad or angry music can be created with the knowledge that somewhere in there, the goal is to connect with people and express yourself

Yes. And when dealing with family I try to remind myself that they're not trying to make people unhappy. They're just so afraid that they can't act until they've addressed everything they can possible imagine might go wrong. Unfortunately this means that they never get around to actually doing anything.

@heymattsokol thnx for putting this information all with each other..

Great post Matt. You are on the money. I just wrote a LOOOOONG comment about my feelings on this and how classical music personalities may differ from other genres... But in the SPIRIT of your excellent posting I deleted it. I love all musicians! I love making music with them and I love you @heymattsokol ;) Good night - bucky

Haha, I love it Bucky! Thanks for reading and taking the advice to heart.

I think many musicians fail to realize that their music career hinges on more than just their music. Being a musician means working with and for people and nobody wants to help a negative Nancy that complains about everything and hates on his fellow musicians.

I've seen a lot of people drag themselves way down by being negative, so being positive is absolutely the way to go. And keep in mind I'm saying this coming from the perspective of extreme metal. One can make extreme and aggressive music without being a dick to others. When you are positive, you are giving others a reason to help your success.

There is of course one thing to keep in mind - positivity alone by no means guarantees any success. That's why I think that a musician should be positive with zero expectations and any success they find along the way should be viewed with positivity and gratitude instead of with complaining or lamenting that you are not yet further in your career. But as you said, being positive should not stop us from being practical, pragmatic and hard-working.

Yeah Dave! If anything I have noticed more positivity in the metal community than anywhere else. It's exactly the opposite of whatever negative stereotype people want to put on that kind of music - most of the people I've met in metal are kind and smart.

Well, as in any community, there are all kinds of people. I have certainly met a lot of pricks in it, too :P But the ones to tend to stick around as part of the underground tend to be the ones that are nice and friendly.

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