Making a Solo Record pt. 7: Bloomer Album Art is Done!! Final Steps to Release…

in #music7 years ago

It has been far too long since I last gave you updates on the record… here we go! The album art is finished.

I am not going to reveal it quite yet. That will be soon…

Making Art for a Record

At first I was completely overwhelmed by the task of making artwork for a record. After spending so much time on the music, how could I create a visual that would do justice to it?

After a little of that, the only option was to let go of worrying and start creating ideas. Brainstorming is always the best way to start. I let my hands start moving and draw whatever wants to come out of the pen.

Here’s a few pages of sketches:

These pages were a great way to get the creativity flowing. From here it wasn’t too hard to come up with the final version, which, you’ll see it soon…

Breaking Down the Studio

After recording drums for a The Walding Family song two days ago I began to break down my home studio.

This is what the studio looks like right now.

I’m relocating from Connecticut to Raleigh, North Carolina. It will take a few months to get fully situated with all my music gear down there. In the meantime most of it will stay in CT.

It’s important to keep momentum with my work in spite of this interruption. Luckily my schedule is lining up well with this.

I can spend the next month working on promotion, which does not require a studio. I can do that from my laptop anywhere, even on a bus with wifi. Then the record comes out and I can get working on music again for the next one.

Bloomer Comes Out… Soon

The release date is probably going to be a few weeks later than originally hoped. Early October looks likely. I will keep you updated at least once a week again now, like I was doing in May/June…

Peace out!


Haha awesome brainstorm sketches. Look forward to seeing the final artwork (and of course hearing the album)

Thanks @deimus man glad you dig the sketches. :-)

I'm looking forward to seeing the finished album art now, haha. Good luck with the move, I hope everything's going alright.

Hopefully you will like it! So far so good with the move man we'll see how it goes over the next 10 days or so

Haha those sketches though :D Very creative lol!

Talk soon!

Thanks enaz, I gotta be creative to make up for my lack of technical skill haha

Hahaha that's a nice way of looking at things :D Love it man! I have given you a follow.

We should engage in each other's content more often. Talk soon :)

You have a fabulous life. I love your articles.

Good energy in those sketches. I feel like I'm watching history in the making!

Have you done a post about the instruments and equipment in your studio before? It would be fun for me (as someone who's only played the piano) to see what you use and how you put it all together - maybe once you've had the time to settle into the new place.

For example, do you have to come to any accommodation with your neighbors about the noise of drum practice? I could always get a digital keyboard and a pair of headphones if I needed to remain quiet, but no such option for drums...

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