Our Dogs - Hank Has Surgery to Remove a Tumor

in #animals7 years ago


Today was Hank's appointment at the vet. He has a 2-3" tumor on his back left foot, just behind his pad.

After examining the tumor, the vet said he needed to remove the mass, but first an x-ray had to be done of Hank's lungs. Apparently tumors like that are a calling card of tumors in the lungs as well. If they found lesions in the lungs, they would cancel the surgery as there would be nothing they could do.

So after the x-ray it was found that Hank's lungs were clear and surgery could commence.

I got a call this afternoon and they told me Hank came through the surgery just fine and his lungs were clear. We picked him up at about 4:30 and brought him home. He's got a large bandage on the surgical site. Apparently the tumor was growing in and around his ligaments, tendons, and had a pretty large vascular system. The vet couldn't remove 100% of it but I knew that going into this.

He's my Hankie-Doodle Dandy

So now Hank is home. He's resting. So far he isn't really trying to lick the site much. He has to walk three-legged though. It's amazing how well they adapt!

The tumor was sent to a pathologist. We should know about the beginning of next week if more treatment is necessary. I'll keep you all updated.

Please upvote, resteem, and comment! (I almost always upvote comments and usually reply as well!)
This surgery was almost $400 which we weren't prepared to spend. Things were already a little tight from Christmas and now they're even tighter after this. If I could help pay that vet bill with Steemit generated funds, that would ROCK! Thanks, everyone!


My upvote isn’t worth much but you got it :) just wanted to say I got a kick out of the nickname Hankie Doodle!

Thanks so much, @mtnmeadowmomma! He's our sweet boy.

Our dogs are like part of the family as well and we will do whatever we can for them. Glad to hear his lungs where clear. We ended up loosing one of our black labs a few years back due to a tumor in her heart that actually grew into an adjacent chamber and there was nothing that could be done. We were devastated, she went from being health to having to be put down within weeks. Here's hoping he has a full recovery.

Huge dog fan! Adorable!

Thanks so much, @pinebug! and Welcome to Steemit!

You got it!! As my daughter @randomphandom says, four legged people are the best kind of people!!

He's a cute four legged people. Feel better, Hank.

Awe! Poor Hank! Puppy loves from Tritol!

So glad to hear he made it through. Love for your Hankie.

Thank you very much, @abbijulie. Love back to you.

I'm glad he is good. My dog had a tumor growing on his spleen a few years back that they had to remove. Was great to hear that it wasn't cancerous when they tested it.

Oh goodness! I'm glad it came back with good results! Thanks, @mitchyb.

Poor guy! I'm thankful he has you guys, no one better to take care of him. Can't wait to hear updates on him.

Aww, thanks, @ashleyhogan. I will update as soon as I hear something. He's doing wonderfully today. He's even putting weight on it and didn't spend all night trying to lick or tear the bandage off. He's such a good boy.

Poor Hank!! I’m glad his lungs are clear and the surgery went well. Thinking of you and you fur baby! <3

Thanks muchly, Melbert. :)

Chipped in a 100% upvote. All best to the brave boy!

Thank you so very much, @aunt-deb! You are much appreciated!

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