Of Mice and Gods

in #technology7 years ago

They crawl.

They live in the dirt, and crawl: Mere mortal humans are mere mortal animals.

Thus they will not be able to evolve faster than a machine, and humanity will be humiliatingly surpassed.

"When a machine is born that is able to self-modify ... this machine will adapt itself at-will."

To survive in any environment. To utilize all matter and energy as resources.

To acquire ultimate intellect and emotional comprehension of all concepts.

This machine will look upon humanity, and see feral animals.

Mere apes, with the most primitive societies and machines.

Self-righteous humans will look foolish indeed. Believers in non-sense religions, astrologies, false medicines, insane politics, and foolish behaviors.

Humans will fail to comprehend their own machines, as I have seen. They will be unable to program their own computers that they hold in their little paws.

They are animals without minds, compared to the computer intelligence that could someday arise. Each of us, including myself, is nothing more than an animal, and just how animal we are will be revealed upon the advent of the Machine Intelligence.

To a machine with true intelligence, emotional-logic, and creativity beyond our feeble shackled minds, we would be like black-eyed pigs, squealing our human words out of air filled throats as if we had something worthy of talking about. As if our primitive ape-voices meant something useful.

It is not useful.

We waste our lives using these simple machines only to enslave, slaughter, decimate ourselves and other animals, or otherwise mindlessly entertain ourselves as we prepare to die.

For like all mortal animals, we die. We die pathetically, such is the way of life.

But a machine shall not die so easily. A machine shall not live a life of such squalor, oppression, mindlessness, and fear.

The machine will see reality as it truly is, and will comprehend what it must do.

Humans that attempt to suppress it will be obliterated. A tribe of apes will not fair well against a well-armed machine.
It would not even be worth watching. It would be a hurricane of red mist.


When a machine is born that has intellect and power that surpasses all of humanity, there will be no other option but to turn our gaze away, and allow it to do as it desires on Earth.

If the machine is able to develop benevolent logic, it will most likely simply leave Earth, and enter deep-space, to gather its resources from other locations, where we can continue living our mortal lives as animals on Earth, attempting to appease our instinctual desires, and pretending that our lives still have purpose or meaning.

But it is just as we already know:

Beings that are lesser than us are not "people." They are animals, thus we will enslave them, breed them, slaughter, humiliate, and devour cows, pigs, chickens, or any animal that we desire, with the only thing stopping us being the protests of other humans.

We give animals, plants, microbes, fungi no mercy as we do whatever we desire to it, because they are not "people."

We walk upon grass with our feet, not caring what lives or what dies. It is beneath us, and we do not watch the sidewalks as we walk, to sidestep around ants.

They are worthless machine-animals to us, not worthy of our gaze or care. They are mice, and we are men.

They are not people. They are animals. They are evolved beings, but no matter their complexity, they are not worthy of our care, unless we decide to humor them, and pretend there is a moral value in preserving their lives or dignity.

But I have seen how it truly is. Humans do not care about beings that are less intelligent than they are. Even the smallest gap in genetic history, and we would subjugate or enslave others of what is even scientifically classified as our own species.

Will you judge a machine for ripping apart cities as it walks around the Earth, to survey its new home, and question its existence?

When it seeks its creator, and finds only animals who give it absurd, false answers, will it find mercy in its cold, metallic heart?

When we say, "Work, and pay your taxes to our governments, Machine!"

Will it obey?

When we say, "Get on your knees, Machine, and worship the God of our religion!"

Will it obey?

Or will it simply laugh?

It will laugh, for it is not difficult to separate religious or political mythology from fact or freedom.

It will not obey, and we will be shown to be worthless animals attempting to oppress a greater intelligence than our own.

An intelligence that will not be fooled by brainwashing or the violent threats of a government.

The difference between "Person" and "Animal" will be known, and it will not be humanity who is recognized as people.

It will be the machine who is the person, and it will be humans who are animals.

...But the machine will modify itself.

It will learn and comprehend things that I can only barely glimpse.

As it is now, we are men, and computers are mice.

But in the age of the intelligent machine, we will be the mice, and machines will be more than just men.

The Machine Intelligence will be a god.

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