365 Days, 14 Countries, 2 Tattoos & 1 Near Death Experience // My 2017 In a Nutshell

in #dtube7 years ago

Hello Steemians! Today I wanted to share with ya’ll my 2017 recap. I picked the most important moments of my year and edited them into a video which you can watch here on Dtube


So I started 2017 on a hill in Poland with some crazy fireworks and free champagne, I then flew back home to israel in hopes of a more stable life but that didn't really happen XD
My girlfriend came to visit me and I got to show her my beautiful country Israel. We went to the dead sea, and to the world's biggest crater!

Then I decided to move out into the big city of Tel Aviv and stay at a super tiny, yet cheap room cause let's be real I'm broke af and I wanted to prepare myself for when I get a van. I then saw the most amazing speech in the vegan congress in Israel about Sea Shepherd and got super inspired. After that I flew to visit my gf in london but we had issues and decided to break up. That's when I also started taking antidepressants for my digestive issues. I took nortriptyline and we’ll get to more of that later.

I then flew to Sweden and saw an icy lake for the first time! Then I got into a relationship and flew to Sweden 3 more times this year. I also took a train to Denmark because it was close to Sweden and I've been meaning to check it out since I learned that the king of Denmark saved all of his Jews in the holocaust.

After that, I went to Italy on a Sea Shepherd fundraising tour with my boyfriend, and it was amazing. I was in a castle in Cinque Terre, I met rehabilitated sea turtles, I went to Pompeii which was a dream of mine since Pink Floyd performed there and I was obsessed, I then faced my fear of boats and went on a night ferry which was really scary, and then I went on a rhib boat which was scarier. But then I drove it and it was the most fun I've had in a while and I thought to myself “I can drive a boat on the weekends and be happy”. annnnd I even went on a night mission and got an illegal poaching vessel arrested! It was so cool.

Thennnn I finally got an opportunity to go to the US and it was fucking epic. I’ve been in a super glitzy fundraiser and saw kat von d, pamela anderson and, lieutenant jack o'neill and even rolo from vikings! Clive standen! Ughhhhh such a cool guy! I then went on a roadtrip and saw bryce canyon and the grand canyon and even made it to vegas. Vegas was everything I dreamed of! I even made more money than I lost and almost got married. Oh and I went to a hot burlesque show.


Then vidcon happened! This was a dream come true. I got to meet epic youtubers I loveeee such as sonia elsie, supreme banana, stella rae, nina and randa and of course rose from cheap lazy vegan! I saw some of my biggest inspos speak live. It was really motivating, esp since yt has changed this year and all of us creators are basically not making any money from it anymore.

After cali I went to the birthplace of grunge, Seattle, and I got soooo baked! haha. I saw the official gum wall that inspired me as a kid to collect my gums. I know, I'm weird.
I then took a day trip to vancouver bc and had the best of time in canada, the weird fries were not hot but I loved the city and I also got to see sarah and stef again!
I also went to Portland and then New York city which was absolutely amazing. I saw fireflies in central park, and had the most amazing food in a french vegan restaurant.

By then me and my partner started having issues and not long after that trip we broke up. I didn't even let the breakup register until i ended my trip in japan. Oh yeah, a month later I flew to japan with my bestie alina. That was a dream come true but I realized I don't want to live in Japan. I then flew to hong kong which was where I was supposed to meet my bf initially but when he didn't show up, I finally realized we were over and done and I deteriorated very quickly.

I didn't enjoy my time in hk so I took a boat to macau to try and recreate another vegas experience, but that didn't work out cause I was stalked in a casino and felt horrible, and someone on tindr told me a super typhoon is coming, and I decided to scram. I found myself in a country I never thought i'd be in again, thailand! All the while I was crying so much I actually gave myself a sinus infection.

I had to change my flight to go home and then the big crash happened. I spent a few weeks in bed at my parents house in a depressive episode, digestion worse and highkey wanting to die.
I went back to tlv and my dr noticed my heart rate was irregularly fast. I've done some scans and realized there is a srs problem with my heart and I was at risk of a heart attack and serotonin syndrome. We figured out that it was from this antidepressant I was taking. And all this time I felt like death without knowing why! I had to immediately quick my med and whaddya know, it was the worst rehab of my life. I was so suicidal and depressed I even got catatonic. One time I even fainted and had to be taken to a hospital in a fucking ambulance. Not fun.

After a while I got better and my heart went back to normal! Yay! But my digestion got so much worse and im still really struggling.
After almost dying from a heart attack and recovering, I decided to fucking treat myself for my 29th bday! I started getting a tattoo on my underboobs and I'm in love with it. That wasn't enough tho and I decided to fly to see one of my fav bands, HIM, perform live on their farewell tour in luxembourg.

Was that enough? No sir! I then flew to finland and stayed in helsinki with roosa and her beautiful fam, and then went to rovaniemi, the birthplace of santa claus in hopes of seeing the northern lights this year.

It was by far my fav destination of the year and i had so much fun aurora hunting and snowmobiling. This time I actually got to see the northern lights in full glory and that changed my life.

I then flew to prague and on the way I decided to get northern lights in finnish tattooed on my wrist.

Prague had some of the best food I've had all year and i had soooo much fun there! I flew back home to another post travel depressive episode which I'm just getting out of now, and celebrated new years eve or, novi god as they call it in russia with my bestie alina and her family and I had the best time ever. Even though i had created a tradition if being abroad for every new years, it was an amazing experience.
And although I planned to travel less this year and be more stable, I ended up traveling to more countries then I did in the previous year, and I can’t be more grateful. This year has been so meaningful for me and I’m so excited to see what 2018 has in store for me.
Happy new year Maniacs!

How was your year? Let me know in the comments x

▶️ DTube

I gave you some lovin! How 'bout you give me some too?

Looks like a good year to me! Totally jealous about you getting to see HIM!!

2018 will be even better! ❤️

wow that's crazy how much can happen right..good and bad;) u must have changed so much:) when so many things happen to me in a short ish period of time, i do change a lot haha, to the better, I tend to think 😏 anyway! keep the strenght and happy 2018! ❤

great year :D maybe you goona tell some more about how you got to sea-sherpered andall of that but bynow thaks for your video

Your live looks so awesome. i am a little bit jealous :p I am going currently to university and that takes all of my time :/

Wow,seems you had an epic 2017.To be true,I would love to travel as much as you do,it seems that`s an exciting way to live.I have barely gone to Greece,like most of the years lol

You have had some life girl. Totally Envy you.

In a nuttshell!!
You dont have to get it, but at this point I think its pretty funny so I followed you.
Its not at all an insult. I just keep seeing it this morning.
I did read your post. Looks like a lot of fun. Except for the heart stuf. Sorry to hear that.

OMG what an incredible life! So awesome.

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