in #genesisproject7 years ago

Man in nature is an existential entity, therefore the Philosophy of Phenomenalogy might tend to fizzle-out in certain occurrences. Man is a some total of his personality traits, habits and character. The key to understanding a man's personality make-up or better-still his psychological make-up is his IDEOLOGY. One of the Iconoclastic Playwright of literature T. S Eliot in his prolific Play-Murdrer In Cathedral narrated the gruesome ordeal of Cardinal Worsley in the service of James of England. King James of England in his unrelenting pursuit to taint the age-old tradition of the Catholic pontifical creed of monogamy throught the entry-point of devorcement. Cardinal Becket defied the kings orders and ended-up being murdered by the kings musketeers. This gruesome murder paved the way for the creation of the Church Of England a separate ecclesiastical realm from the prevailing Rome Catholic.

The above narrative is an apt description of the fall-out of the totalitarian ideology of King Henry the VIII of the English realm, who in a bid to have a heir to the contentious English throne devorced and imprisoned Catherine but also, severed diplomatic ties with spain , Catherine's beloved country.With an aura of finality he made the famous pious declarative, that He is the Head Of All Religion. This tell us that the situation-ethics of our imperfect world necessitate the embracement of the realism of totalitarian ideology as a political norm. In the medieval times, there was a fussion of both the State and the Church which gave room for the king to inflict injurious pains on the masses through the issuance of obnoxious agonizing policies of which is notably unfriendly Taxation policies. The definning ideology of the medieval period was Monarchy. A very sorry picture of the pent-up frustrations of the Monarchical era was the beheading of Charles II of England by Oliver Crowmell, the Lord Protectorate. This murderous captures the prevailing hunger by the populace for a Republican Ideology. This bloodbath triggered the necessity for Parliamentarism.

In the case of beloved France ,specifically during the reign of Louis XVI and his insentive Queen, Marie Antoine who turned deaf ears to suffocating pleas of the despicable poverty-stricken people of France. The people cried for lack of bread and all the royla couple could reply was that they should instead feed on cake, thus that was the end of that once promising reign. America in the intellectual foresight of Thomas Jefferson ensured that America made every attempt to create a more perfect union. Thomas Jefferson, a gentry consciencious-planter gave the sage advice to the founding fathers of the union to ensure that a Bill Of Right is incorporated into the American Constitution. American ensured that they do not make the mistake of Aristocratic British enclave and likewise the People insentive France.

The underlying problem of our contemporary society is the inability to reconcile the conflicting rationale between a Socialist-Oriented Society couched in the creed of Socialism and the notion of Capitalism wrapped with the dogma laissez faire, as the engine room for a progressive society. Abraham Lincoln, the 11 American President had to battle with the entrenched interest of slavery to save the foundering union. An Assassins bullet ended his dream. In contemporary Sahara Arica ,we are faced with a Chicken and Egg situation of which is more paramount, the Economic Ideology or the Political Ideology. The s politics of African Heads of Government is predicated on survivalism, as if man is nothing more than a physiological being whose paramount existence is predicated on bread and butter. Man's yearns to actualize his innate desire anchored on his self-esteem. The most important thing is the re-engineering of the political configurations of the State ,thus the Political organogramme before deciding the Economic configurations of the sovereign environment. Achieving a balance in the social structuring of our world is one the continual perplexing problems we continue to grapple with.

Conclusively, re-echoing the sentiment of an Icon of the American Pragmmatism, William James etched on his Philosophy of The Will To Believe, no matter how dark the horizon might tend to be, we do indeed have a rendevous with destiny to make every consciencious attempt to Create A More Perfect World.

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