in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


Plagriasm is the act of expressing someone's work or thoughts as one's work , without the permission or referencing of the author, in other stealing.
There are various ways by which users plagiarize texts. Some forms include:

Direct plagiarism
In this type of plagiarism an author copies a particular text from another author without citation or reference, or without putting the text in quotation marks, hence presenting the text as his/he own.

Complete plagiarism
This type of plagriasm is the most grievious form of plagriasm among all the types. This type of plagriasm involves the process where a user takes the work someone else has already created and presents it as his/her own work or project. This is equivalent to content theft and can result in huge sanctions or penalties.

Self plagiarism
Also known as auto plagiarism, this type of plagiarism occurs when an author reuses some key portions of his/her already submitted work or project. This carry a minimal offence as compared to complete plagiarism.

Mosaic plagiarism
In this type of plagiarism, an author uses ideas from different sources without citing these sources. This type of plagiarism is very common.

Paraphrasing plagiarism
This type of plagriam occurs when an author makes some changes to the work of another author and represents the ideas as his/her own. These changes are mostly sentences or even words.
Plagriasm is a very heinous crime and is also punishable my law if the work copied from contains a copyright.



It is a way whereby an author notifies his/her readers that a particular work or idea is from another source. This is the acknowledging of the authors of the work whose ideas the author used in his work.

Citation Styles Used.
There are some Citation Styles Used in order do avoid plagiarism , these are:

  1. Chicago Style
  2. Modern Language Association
  3. American Psychological Association
    In conclusion, plagiarism is a very bad act or process which must be avoided in other to have a safe and simple stay on this noble platform. Moreover, it is important or necessary to cite the ideas of people and also to source the pictures used form copyright free cites.
    I can boldly say I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on the Steemit community and therefore will try all my best to embrace them.
    Thank you for your attention.

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