The things narcissistic Respec for

in #respect6 years ago

They respect one thing only !!

I am gonna tell you what they do not respect and will leave the rest for you!!


I-No respect for boundaries : with a narc you will be enmeshed and boundaries will disappear, the narc will cross them all, will invade your world, will break your self-defence and neutralize your privacy into codependancy.

II-No respect for feelings: the low emotional intelligence is really something cool, you see, the narcs will be free to abuse you and act in a self absorbed fashion at the same time they will never be able to put themseves in your shoes to see how painfully it is to be treated that way.

III-No respect for your intelligence or intellectualism: this is one fucking amazing like coperfield or Houdini, because no matter how smart you are or the IQ Level you had, even no matter How many PHD’s stacks you have in your wall of fame, the narc will be able to sell you lies no one can buy. and what is fucking pissing me off sometimes is that ” all the victims keep on talking that (my narc was so smart)”. people should know one thing ” manipulation is some thing, being smart is another thing”

And NO they thought they are smart but that was abuse and they were telling them selves ” poor little dump slave” .

IV- no respect for your value as a human: how many of you guys found him self in the mid of his age, struggling to get back on track with his life and had that feeling of ” I lost precious years with that sonava- bitch”, They walked over you as of nothing happened.

V-No respect for sense of aging: they waste your time, they take it all, absorb it all, and give nothing back. Stubborn enough not to admit it, manipulative enough to shift the blame, fragile enough to rage in your face if you call them up for their lies.

No respect for family life: the narc will never appreciate the blessing of having a family, or to respect a partner, a kid, or a neighbour even. Everybody around him is an extension for his needs, you never exist, family never exist, kids never exist and everybody around must evolve around one thing ( that ugly selfish self)

VI-No respect for your money and energy: they will use every penny in your pocket, every gene in your body and you dnr have to feel worried if they might have some remorse or feel sorry for you ” compulsive lies will take care of that”

VII-No respect for the sense of sharing in life:

They will never be able to form a stable relationship or a normal shape of life where give and take situation can prevail, its always about ”how much can you bring to their table” it's always about how much can you do for them and offer them no matter how good you were, no matter how loyal you are, no matter how servile you are, no matter how pleasant you are” you are boring and never enough”

VIII- They have no self respect: not for themselves even. When they are cheap and needy

Example: my narc used me financially and emotionally at the same exact time she was praying for someone else” how cheap was that”

Respectful people don't do that!!

Back to the question: what does a narcissist respect in life? Nothing - zero fucking nothing - not even themselves I've been digging for an hour to figure it out and nothing is coming out yet.

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