A story a bout a too friendly squirrel - True Story

in #animals7 years ago

Last week I was surprised to receive a picture of my boyfriend with a squirrel on his shoulder. Apparently he came by the house we are currently staying in, and he was extremely friendly and looking for attention. 

The next day, as soon as we got home the squirrel came back. He was so cute and funny while climbing on my shoulder and playing around. We decided to name him Ringo. 

We also posted a photo with Ringo on one of the social media. following the post we found out that the construction manager, that is working next to our house, found the squirrel few weeks before and decided to name him Alvin. He mentioned that he brought Alvin from another construction area he was working on, and that he and the construction workers usually play with Alvin and give him some food. I guess Alvin just like the attention.

Alvin kept coming to our house for the next few days, and we were happy to play with him and give him some cherry tomatoes to eat.

 One day Alvin didn't come by, we didn't give it to much of thought. but the next day he didn't come either. We asked the construction workers and they also didn't see him. 

The same evening I saw on a local social media group that someone found a squirrel that was hurt by a cat that attacked him. I immediately contacted the person that posted the post, but it took him a while to response. The next day I finally got  a response. The person told me that he found the squirrel near to my house and that squirrel died short after he found him. My boyfriend and I felt so sad and heart broken. I couldn't believe that Alvin won't come by anymore. Sadly we had to notify the construction manager about it. He was very sad to hear the bad news.

Within a few days we connected and became attached to Alvin, and loosing him so soon was definitely unexpected. I guess that's how it is in nature, and this is what happens when you try to domesticate wild animals. 

R.I.P Alvin 


Rip Alvin
You have to take heart.
Squirrels are really good animals just that they are wild

Yeah I know, it's better for them to stay in the wild

I've never seen a squirrel like that. The colours are beautiful. RIP. I've got through similar heartache after trying to rescue a baby rabbit that was mauled by a cat. We didn't succeed, but I have rescued a few birds that bashed into our window knocking themselves out lol.

Oh no, the poor rabbit! Sorry to hear about it, but at least you tried to save it.
Every now and then a bird enter to my house and is struggling to find the way out, but eventually (after I open all the windows) it finds the way out.

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