Stem Cells: Playing God, or Fixing Mankind?

in #science7 years ago

I see more and more advertisements with Stem Cells Bank and I found it interesting to address this area a bit.
Stem cells have a remarkable potential for development in multiple cell types, function as a kind of internal regeneration system, are capable of renewing through cell division after long periods of inactivity and can become tissue or cells of organs with special functions. Stem cells are used to regenerate organs and body parts having without needing donors.

What is actually the true reason why Stem Cells are so important?

Think of patients with insulin dependent diabetes who could be cured immediately or of the possibility of bone marrow replacement after chemotherapy or the regeneration of some amputated limbs. There are so many advantages that we can only be in favor of this direction.

You will tell me that at one point, we all be healthy and we were so multiplying that we had no resources to self-sustain!

Then I would tell you that people like Stephen Hawking or Steve Jobs and others could have left decades of progress to mankind.


In addition, I would remind you of the argument of economist Thomas Sowel who in 1984 demonstrated that all the world's population would fit into the state of Texas, leaving the whole planet free.

Taking into consideration the following arguments, non-exhaustive enumeration:

  • families are basically founded after the age of 30;
  • after the age of 30, statistically one in four families can not have children;
  • most of the families in this quarter will use an IVF and probably my unknown donor;
  • the large number of malformations in children, uncovered from the uterine stage;
  • the diversity of diseases that occur and make more and more victims;
  • people with genetically inherited thalassemia.

Do you think it would be useful to harvest stem cells with your baby's birth?

Original content by Hebro


Very interesting im sure some people would love to try it, maybe little expensive

I'm not a fan of playing God as you mentioned in your title nor do I think there's a problem with mankind. People just need to watch what they consume. If your time comes has come to an end then let it be. Just my thoughts.

With biotech we will push lifespan to 150+
If it's not happening in us - ok than devenitly in china !

Stem cells are the reason we all are alive and healthy. Right after our zygote is formed, we grow Embryonic Stem Cells, from there we grow Tissue Stem Cells which grows into adult stem cells.

Embryonic Stem cells are Totipotent, whereas Adult Stem Cells are pluripotent. :)

My father is on an experimental treatment with stem cells... He's fighting against cancer, and already the normal procedure —quimio and Radio therapy— hasn't give him good results, and almost make it a dead sentence.

Hopefully the experimental treatment will work —there's already some good results with other patients of cancer we know— and I'll be sharing all that info in the future with you all —good or bad results—, for our family is the only way to go right now.


Interesting content. keep doing it :D

Dan Bilzarian already does stem cell injections and swears by it. I'm all for it as long as we utilize the transitioned skin cells or equivalent. Theres no reason not to given the benefits!!

My thought is yes ... As it had proven to be successful in very wide areas of treatments including chronic diseases too .

Did you know you can create stem cells with the right voltage and current? Read more about it in the excellent book The Body Electric.

Stem cells, genetic catalogues, retroviral engineering, etc. are simply tools; no different or magical than hammers, screw drivers, or wrenches. The problem lies with the user not with the tool itself. Human beings will always be selfish, arrogant, and myopic in their relation with their environment and with each other in the absence of proper cultivation.

I recall a scene in "Conan the Barbarian" when James Earl Jones' character educates the meaning of true power. "What is a sword compared with the hand that wields it?" Our society, like Conan seeks after the next magic tool to fix our problems, but do not recognize that the true power lies in cultivating ourselves in the way of wisdom.

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