Walk With Me After a Winter Blizzard

Up here in the north, we had a blizzard that started Sunday afternoon and lasted till late Monday night.

Sunday morning, the kiddos were asking to go to grandma and grandpa's house. It was starting to get yucky in the morning, but it was good enough that the grandparents made it to our house. We packed the kids an overnight bag because we weren't sure they'd make it back. Turns out they stayed a little longer than we had hoped. As of this morning, the snow plow still has not gone by.

I bundled up to bare the cold crisp air. Negative 18 isn't terrible as long as you don't breathe through your nose.

Our driveway.IMG_0119.JPG

Our backyard.IMG_0120.JPG


Another of our driveway.IMG_0123.JPG

The road right outside our house. The trees stop the wind and it fills with snow. Once the plow clears it up, it's like driving through a tunnel.IMG_0124.JPG

It feels like going through a tunnel walking back inside.IMG_0125.JPG

I hope you enjoyed walking with me and getting some fresh air!

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Yikes that is a lot of snow...I got another 4 inches on Sunday-Monday, then it was flurrying again this morning. 0 degrees was how my day started with -20 degree windchill. Stay warm!

I only like enough snow to make everything white. Here in the valley, it's always windy, so once we get some snow, it doesn't take much for it to be stormy.

Agreed, just enough to cover the brownness of winter!

I thought we were getting a lot of snow but we have nothing compacted to you all

I wish I would have gotten a better picture of the snow on the road so you could get an idea of how tall the drift is. I think it was as tall as me, give or take.

Brrr and here I am complaining on the power outages and 20's!

Put on some wooly socks and cozy with a blanket!

LOL I am fighting the cats for them both! They have even tried to take my serape away from me today!

Wow, those are some incredible snow drifts, that wind must have been fierce. I love the walkway to your home...it reminds me of a Hobbit Home!!

My husband figures it got up to 50 mph. It gives off a bit of a cozy feeling, doesn’t it. :)

Sucks it's been to cold for the kids to even enjoy the snow.

I know, they gotta get out and burn off some energy!

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