Feeling Disheartened

in #faith6 years ago


I have an ever increasing desire within me to share God’s truth with others. After all, that is the Great Commission. Matthew 28:16-20

I have been sharing what I have come to learn with those I used to fellowship with. I want so much for others to share in the joy that I have after coming to know that all of God’s laws are still for us today.

I have gone out of my way to be concise in my points, to be careful as to not outright offend, and to share what I know in humility. In the end it can be downright exhausting. And my efforts feel wasted. I’m noticing that if there is a strong opposition right from the beginning, that they typically won’t change their minds. Sigh.. it makes me to not want to bother any further.

But I know that the point of all this isn’t to “win people over”, but it’s about my obedience. After all is said and done, even if my efforts feel like a waste, my efforts only strengthen my faith even more. And that makes it all worth it.

Have you gone through the same thing? Have you encountered those that strongly disagreed with you from the beginning, but later “got it?”

I’m Hebrew Housewife. Remember, be diligent.


I felt this way a couple of weeks ago. This message helped me out. check it out if you want.

Thank you, I will give it a listen when I have a free moment.

I find that when someone has made their mind up in the beginning, it almost becomes a point to "win" the debate, especially if "winning" means they don't have to make a lifestyle change.

It's better for them to say "no" and then have a change of heart and learn Torah, than for them to enthusiastically 'get on board' and then not be committed. Matthew 21:28-32

If the children of Israel were honest with themselves at the base of Mt. Sinai, they would have said, "We will not", but then listened to the Words of God and began doing them, then I think God would have been even more gracious with them (if that's even possible).

Perhaps there will be someone among your friends like this, who think about it for a while and becomes convicted, repents and takes on the light yoke of Yeshua.

I had one say that if the OT was for today, then our lives would drastically change. I thought to myself, yes of course!!
Thank you for reminding me of that parable.
I pray that they are convicted of the truth. What would your suggestion be to do once they show they have their mind made up from the start?

What would your suggestion be to do once they show they have their mind made up from the start?

We should do what Yeshua did. Yeshua showed people the door to life, He didn't shove people into it. He said "Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" When they walked away, He didn't chase after them.

Most Christians perform many of the elements of the Law, no matter their theology. The controversy is more about identity. Once Christians understand that they are grafted into Israel, the fruit of that understanding will be Torah. Our job is to live as adopted sons and daughters of God, as a part of the family of God, desiring to obey the rules of the Father. If we do this with the right attitude, people will see our good works and be drawn to them - not just elements of Torah, but a joyful life.

But I know that the point of all this isn’t to “win people over”, but it’s about my obedience

Good point. The watchman must only sound the alarm and he is free the blood of the people. Whether they heed the alarm and are safe or disregard the alarm and perish does not matter, he has been faithful. If, however, he does not warn the people, then their blood is on his head.

Have you gone through the same thing?


Have you encountered those that strongly disagreed with you from the beginning, but later “got it?”

Not yet, but I think it's coming!

Thank you for your response papa-pepper! It’s encouraging to know I am not alone. I pray that those you are teaching have their eyes opened to the one and only Truth!

howdy there hebrewhousewife! you have exactly the correct attitude. Obedience is key, your job is to plant seeds and the Holy Ghost takes over from there but there has to be something for Him to work with, God's Word is never planted in vain and always, in some way, even if years down the road, will produce results.
but usually we don't see those results.

Thank you janton. I try. As much as my flesh wants to make it all about me, I pray that God will humble me and make it about Him and for His glory. Being in a world that loves instant gratification, it’s can be challenging to put the work and not knowing if we’ll see the results.

howdy again hebrewhousewife! Yes Ma'am I understand but you have it right. I like instant gratification. In fact that reminds me, I got ice cream in the freezer!

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