Captain Log: 20162810: A strange human

in #story8 years ago (edited)

The view from the deck of Destiny, our witty-named Steem powered vessel, gives you a feeling of pride and freedom. I cannot help myself be assaulted by thoughts of complete calm and excitement at the same time. I remember a human telling me about how contradictory feelings can become alive inside you at the same time, but I believed that to be illogical and to be sincere, stupid. Especially when you consider the frail human anatomy which can easily be broken by such a powerful torrent of feelings.

He was uncommonly funny - this human who his parents called William. In fact, I find his way of being interesting enough to mention him in this Log.

I have made his acquaintance in the rainy season about 4 human lifetimes ago in one of my exploration of human society quests. My experiment consisted of engaging in one of the more common human leisure activities - gathering in a dark and smoky establishment and ingesting large quantities of ill-tasting beverages.

William didn't seem to fit in the outlines of my initial analysis of the human avatar of the age and this ignited in my mind a sense of curiosity that I seldom experienced.

The biggest question mark I had about William was related to the discrepancy between his looks and his popularity among other humans present in the establishment. He was short, almost bald and his clothes seemed to be worn way past their time. Despite this, his each word made everyone in a 5 meter radius abandon they current activity and listen attentively, just like I once observed at another experiment of mine called "Understanding why humans go to the theater".

I couldn't help myself analyzing this peculiar event - especially since all the data on social human interaction gathered throughout the millennia revealed an unbreakable link between physical aspect and social success.

I occupied the smallest table in the entire room which was positioned in the vicinity of the only window that could be opened. From a strategical point of view, this table was the logical choice as it provided a good view of the entire establishment, was somewhat secluded and the outside air made its way through the window from time to time clearing the thick smoke that was surrounding me.

Just as I was finishing logging my discoveries in my experiments journal, I have observed William making his way towards my location. My immediate thought was that I have crossed some unwritten law of the establishment and I was about to experience the negative impact of not being in line with some human etiquette.

Once he reached the table, he extended his right hand and with an unexplained smile on his face, he said:

"Hi, I'm Will. Do you mind if I join you?"

Usually, this wouldn't make any sense to me, but in the spirit of exploration and deep-diving in the human behavior, I shook his hand and nodded in approval (I have previously learned about the meaning of hand gestures and I believe I made good use of that knowledge here).

From there, our encounter lasted several human time measurement cycles and consisted of an almost equal amount of speaking sessions from each part. His speech patterns where clearly harmonious and easy to follow and the tone of the voice made the message he was relaying easy to perceive and remember. This fascinated me and maybe tricked me into sharing more information that I would normally do with a human.

From our discussion, I learned that his curiosity was surpassed only by his desire to assist in the well-being of other human beings and that this reasoning was actually behind his unexpected appearance at my table. Even more unusual was the fact that according to the human society ranking, he belonged to upper top 10% in terms of financial and social status despite his looks and presence in this establishment not reflecting it at all. Clueless as a child and wise as a spirit which survived the passing of many life cycles, no idea was too abstract to him.

Out of all the data I have gathered during our verbal exchange, I have filtered a few that the human brain can process:

"Appearances are only a layer and it is up to you to decide the level of opacity you give to it"
"Smiling makes life social"
"Listen when you are spoken to and speak when you have something real to say"
"Don't be scared of feeling, life is a great bartender of emotions"
"The Universe has a purpose and so should you"

and of course, the only one i have yet to fully uncover its meaning:

"Humans are enlightened beings in the darkness they have created for themselves".

I am working on a theory about this and will expand on it as soon as we begin the subspace journey and will be able to allocate more of my time to deep meditation.

For now, I am resuming my work on the time-travelling capabilities of Destiny.

Until next time,

Hawkman out.

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