Chill day at Aquaclub Kotvata

in Italy2 years ago

Hi Family,

This weekend was rainy and very cloudy so we decided that we are going to have a rather chill day this time. We decided to give this Aquaclub a go. It is basically a SPA Center with internal and external pools. The fun in my opinion is the external ones as you are outside and enjoy the full benefits of a swimming pool. The weather was not hot and not cold. But it rained the whole day. Nevertheless, the water was warm enough for us to feel really relaxed and have fun despite everything.


This is the view just as we entered the Aquaclub. You can see that the weather is not really welcoming but we did not care too much.


So basically there are 3 main parts of this pool wellness. First part is here. Second and third parts are down the stairs below.


We decided to stay near the end part as it was closer to the Snack Bar and also the cave which I am going to show you in a bit.


The first one to take a dip was Tony. He did not mind the cold weather and jumped right inside the water where the temperature was more than 30 degrees.


I took the liberty in snapping this information sign. So basically we have a big pool with temperature around 30 degrees. The temperature around the Jacuzzi was 38 degrees. The hot pool made up with stony rettery was around 40 degrees. The contrast (cold) pool was 15 degrees. And the child one was 33 degrees. Tony first tried the child one 🤣


I started off with the big pool where we also had Jacuzzi. At the back we can see the hotel part of Aquaclub Kotvata.

Here is a video of the inside Jacuzzi. It was intense 😃


It was cool. I enjoyed the bubble massage.


There were also some rings to workout. I made a few round trips and some pull ups. Now let's visit all the major pools.

First off, the hottest one, namely the stone rettery pool. When you enter for the first time, it stings all over the body because of the hot shock that the body is exposed to. You get used to it relatively quickly and then it is like boiling an egg. You feel good until you are boiled. If you stay for too long, you will start to faint and lose coordination.


I loved this statue of Buddha. I really respect the eastern culture and its traditions.

After the hot pool, it is time for the contrast one. It is not really a cold pool. I have done plenty of colder dips in the mountain where the temperature is close to freezing so this wasn´t intimidating at all for me. Still, needed to accustom myself after the hot dip.


Here is a picture of the Jacuzzi pool I was talking about in the video. I will make a tour on the outside of this circle pool.

Pretty cool. Some people used the showers to massage their heads 😄


Time for some group pictures before a due workout.


All set, let´s do some pool workout.

This exercise is called front lever as the body needs to overcome the gravity and stay straight in the air horizontally. It is especially harder to do it while wet and having to overcome the water pressure. He also did a pull up which is even more challenging.

The dips session.

And we wrapped up with some push ups. Yoana did 31. Not bad for end of training reps. Now let´s visit the cave as promised.

So the cave was actually where the Snack Bar is located and had a couple of attractions. Rope, ladder, and wall climbing installations. What was particularly interesting was this swallow nest at the top of the wall.


Here is a picture of the swallow and its nest. Pretty amazing!


We had tons of fun there and did not notice the time passing very quickly. It got dark and we had to leave as the place was 2 hours drive from where we live.


It was raining the whole time but the pools were warm enough for us to feel really comfortable and stay for hours without noticing any discomfort.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you also had a great weekend!

Stay happy, be peaceful!


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