in Steem Entrepreneurs6 months ago (edited)

Dear friends Hope you are all doing fantastic
It is @haseebkhaan here, sending warm greetings all the way from Pakistan. I am absolutely excited to participate in week 3 of the Engagement Challenge Season 15 alongside the wonderful #steementrepreneurs community. Today I am eager to delve into the theme of "LIFE AS AN ENDLESS STRUGGLE" which is basically about the ups and downs we face throughout our lives. This topic is my favorite and I will do my best to share useful insights. Lets explore the different aspects of this interesting and deep subject together.


In this contest we are gonna talk about tough times and share uplifting stories as well as encourage everyone to keep going when things get hard.
With simple questions and answers we will help each other to stay strong and never give up no matter what life throws our way.

How do you understand the meaning of "Life is an endless struggle" in everyday life ?

Defining Life

Life is like a journey starting from when we are born until we pass away. It includes all the different experiences or challenges and moments of happiness that shape who we are

Defining Struggle

Struggle is when we face difficulties or challenges and tough times that test our strength and determination

Connecting Struggle with the Continuity of Life

Thinking about life as an endless struggle means recognzing that chalenges are a constant part of our journey. Just as life is always changing and growing so struggle is a natural part of that process. It pushes us to develop or learn and discover more about ourselves. If life did not have struggles so it would be like stopping in one place without any chance for progress. Life needs challenges to stay meaningful and interesting. Without struggle life would feel stuck and if struggles completely stopped and it would mean the end of life

Life is an endless struggle in everyday life

In our daily lives the idea that Life is an endless struggle makes us think about facing challenges regularly. From small everyday tasks to bigger challenges in pursuing our dreams then each moment gives us a chance to show bravery and strength. Embracing the idea that life is a continuous struggle helps us develop a mindset of staying strong adapting to changes and keeping hope alive. It reminds us that facing challenges is how we find out how truly strong and resilient we are

Tell us about one personal challenge you are facing and your approach to it.

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Personal Challenge Faced

Ever since I was little I always dreamed of becoming an Pakistan Army Officer. Things were going great but during a tough physical task, Despite my best efforts I fell from the rope sustaining injuries to my lower spinal area. It was a big blow because I could not continue my journey. Instead of chasing my dreams I ended up with an injured body. Coming back home I couldnt walk or move properly which made life really tough. Dealing with both physical pain and feeling low mentally was a real struggle. It was the first time I faced such a big chalenge

Approach to Dealing with the Challenge

The accident left me feeling both physicaly and emotionaly hurt What i had imagined for my future suddenly felt uncertain and scary. It was hard to stay positive when my dreams seemed so far away. The pain I felt wasnt just in my body but it was in my heart and mind too

How do you overcome these challenges? Explain the concrete steps you have taken.

Overcoming Challenges

Each day felt like a battlefield with obstacles blocking the paths I had once seen so clearly. It was nothing like the exciting future I had imagined but instead it felt like being trapped in a dark room with an injured body and a mind burdened with questions and doubts. It was a tough journey but I took small steps forward both mentaly and physicaly

Concrete Steps Taken

Seeking Forgiveness and Self Acceptance

I began by acknowledging my own shortcomings and mistakes seeking forgiveness from myself and also forgave my self. It was a crucial step towards healing and recovery. I realized that holding on guilt and self blame only make slow my progress

Making Peace with the Past

I consciously made an effort to let go of the past recognizing that dwelling on it only disrupted my present. By accepting what had happened and embracing the present moment I freed myself from the shackles of regret and resentment

Confronting Fear

Instead of avoiding my fears I challenged myself to face them head on. Every action that once scared me became an opportunity for growth and empowerment. By confronting my fears I reclaimed control over my life and learned to grow despite difficult situation

Surrendering to Allah

I surrendered my Dreams and Aspirations to the will of a Higher Power placing my trust in Allah's guidance and wisdom. Letting go of my own plans and desires allowed me to find peace amidst uncertainty knowing that everything happens according to a greater plan

Following Spiritual Guidance

Drawing inspiration from the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) I embraced the principle of letting go of anything that disturbed the peace of my heart. Doing this helped me feel happier and more relaxed


These steps though challenging brought about a profound transformation within me. They transformed my internal instability into a sense of stability and inner peace. By embracing forgiveness, acceptance, courage, faith and spiritual guidance I navigated through the darkest moments of my life and emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before

Is there support from those closest to you in your struggle ?

During this challenging journey I discovered a newfound connection with myself. For the first time I discovered a new friend inside myself who guided me through the darkest moments. However beyond the depths of self discovery it was the presence of a cherished human companion that truly illuminated my path to healing and That Human did everything they could to help me heal both mentally and physically. Even when I was upset and said things I should not have, they listened and helped me feel better step by step.

My friend is more than just a friend but more like a guardian angel
By dedicating themselves to my well being facilitating essential steps towards both psychological and physical healing. Amidst my moments of frustration and despair tht soul listened with unwavering empathy offering a compassionate heart and guiding me towards the light from the shadows

Having a friend like this is really important. I understand the invaluable significance of having such a soulmate in life.They understand us even when we can't find the words to explain how we feel. They re like a light in the darkness guiding us through tough times with their love and support.

I am grateful to Almighty Allah for bestowing upon me the blessing of such a cherished friend. Their unwavering support and boundless love have been instrumental in my journey towards healing and self discovery. It is through their presence that I have found solace, strength and renewed hope amidst life's trials

How do you maintain enthusiasm and motivation? Are there any special principles or values that help you stay focused on life's journey ?

Maintaining Enthusiasm and Motivation

After facing such a challenge I discovred a reservoir of strength within myself that I never knew existed. Despite the hardships I remain motivated by following a few key principles

Special Principles and Values

Avoiding Disappointment

I hve learned not to let setbacks bring me down. Instead of dweling on disapointments I focus on finding solutions and moving forward with determenation

Following Allah's Guidance

Placing my trust in Allah has brought me immense peace and reassurance. By surrendering my worries and fears to Him I find comfort in knowing that He has a plan for me and everything will work out as it should.

Staying Busy and Focused

I keep myself occupied throughout the day with various activities, including studying psychology and spirituality. This not only helps me grow personally but also prepares me to help others who may face similar challenges in the future. My goal is to be a beacon of hope for those in need and to offer guidance and support when life's circumstances seem daunting.

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By embracing these principles and values I maintain a sense of enthusiasm and motivation on my life's journey. I find strength in adversity, solace in faith and purpose in helping others navigate their own struggles. With each passing day I am reminded that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and every setback a stepping stone towards a brighter future.

In the last I thank you all for giving your valuable time and I hope you will find it good. Any friend finds anything to be discussed so I am available.

I am inviting my Dear friend to participate in this lovely Contest

 6 months ago 

Thank you for your participation in the Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 15 Week 3, by sharing your original and interesting entries with us. Hopefully your story can inspire other people to remain persistent in facing every obstacle in their life towards success.

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January 30, 2024
MODs Comment/Recommendation :
  • Your entry has been successfully reviewed and meets all the criteria for the challenge. It's verified. Keep up the good work!

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

@mainuna Thank you so much for your kind remarks and I will be do all my best to improve the content and to provide much more interesting and valuable content

 6 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

La vida en su ADN tiene el gen de la lucha y, debido a ello es que siempre nos está colocando en situaciones donde debemos emprender una batalla que jamás va a culminar porque, su objetivo está destinado a conducirnos a ser personas dispuestas a esforzarse para lograr todo lo que se proponen.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

@paholags yes indeed life and struggle is interconnected. Both of these are necessary for the continuity of the journey of life.
I appriciate your kind words


This publication has been supported through the Steemcurator06 account for containing good quality content.

Curated by: @suboohi

@steemcurator06 Thannk you so much for your support it is really appreciated

Hi 👋 @haseebkhaan your journey marked by the dream of becoming a Pakistan Army Officer and the subsequent physical setback is incredibly inspiring. Your concrete steps from seeking forgiveness to confronting fears exhibit remarkable resilience. The unwavering support from a cherished friend demonstrates the importance of companionship. Your principles of avoiding disappointment and following Allah's guidance provide valuable insights for maintaining motivation. Keep shining!

Thank you so much @tayyaba1997 for your Time. It is indeed hard to face challenging situation sometimes but it in the end all happens is for our benefit.
In the end either we win or we get the experience and training for a new struggle.

 6 months ago 

Iife is an endless struggle keeps us informed that we need to keep pushing and never give up. Struggle started a very long time ago and will continue for as long as we breath. To eat, people struggle, fulfilling dreams, people struggle. No matter what the journey of life entails, it comes with struggle. We can only keep hopes alive. Success to you!

Yes indeed life is a continue journey of struggle and consistency but wise and victorious are those who stay patient till the last moment because in the end they wins.
I thank you so much for your valuable time and comment @ninapenda

Your resilience in facing life's challenges is inspiring. Overcoming your dream-shattering injury through self-acceptance, confronting fears, and finding support reflects remarkable strength. Your dedication to studying psychology and spirituality, aspiring to help others, is admirable. Embracing setbacks as opportunities for growth showcases a positive mindset. #StayMotivated

@tayyaba1997 Struggle is another name of life so as far as life is concerned so the term Struggle is compulsory. Thanks for the remarks and good wishes

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