a Reason To Rhyme :: #openthought

in OCD5 years ago


to live a life, to be turned into a chemical, to be used and abused, in THIS world. neigh, I choose light. the sleigh that drops the presents, on your doorstep. height, breadth, width. diversity wrapped. delight. stay bright. stay calm. keep giving and carry on. like the switch. on the wall of YOUR life. live it. be it. make space. for the ship that YOU missed. dissed. remember this. 2nd chances only come twice.. and then… this. stay tight. —c3w

https://www.facebook.com/chas3/posts/10156827420063628 https://soundcloud.com/c3w/hedgefund-co-josh

g'night SF nigga. for those all want to claim. ain't got shit but want some to blame - the R bitch, is my stitch, recognize. the weave, a fuckin stiched in time, yeah rhyme. like the wheel. for a deal. this fuckin R is dope, down to its fuckin guts.. whatchU got? guts got, to drive the shot? low frame, nigga, the suspense will suspend you, only to prove, what you got, the shot. to rear the mothafuckin' deal, drop turbo to the streets, the streets that beat, to your drum, muthafucka you hear that hum? that's bitch ass nike.. on the high street.. growle of power, you ache for the stick of power.. drifting, shifting, it ain't bad that you dissin.. you maybe have a short shifter.. a drifter.. a muthafuckin smell like a wifter.. but hey man, we all in the club.. muthafuckin springs as we bounce to the dub. 4door, 2door, 2pac, shack.. ain't no matter..you ridin with the PACK! --c3w

on the streets, tackling is a penalty .. penetenrary based. the penultimate base. hear my case. bring em out. its plant based. stop. drop and roll. DOPE. share and enjoy, friend. we'll make more. corner store, YOUR mind. be kind. rewind. the wind is twine that binds the turbine that drives the power. of THIS planet. DAMMIT JANET. the planet needs you. pleads you. innocent, for a penny, shiny. the rhyme, the wing. shock the flock. drop this dot. the speck. plugged in with fairy cake. to show you where you're NOT.

do i appear crazy, an apparition to your last dream. beamed. to the planet you inhabit. space. light. bright. dimmed to YOUR drum. the circle. beats. 4x4. on the floor. pedals bloom from underground cables to YOUR room. BOOM. A/C. D/C. chillin to the heat. feat. l33t, c to the 3, muthafuckin' We here now. be wise, recognize. We the 3, on your side. WAZE with a muthafuckin' Z, gettin YOU. to you're route. down kerouac alley. 66. city lights upper level. books to your beat. poet. crossed V with absinnnnnnthe. cross street hustles on. the ER, for your junk. the lap for 20, good and plenty. cinnamon spice is nice. take 'er to the fire, ball. with ice. forest from the trees. how I'm gonna get outta this rap now? gum. shoe. walking with a box of chocolates, don't mock it. keep quarters in your pocket. toss 'em to the street. next up.... your beat. --c3w

tic-tacs. in your pocket. molested by your uncle. sam. BAM. the paperback edition of the US & A, man.. burning books and time, the flag somehow shrined. anthem, panthem, rhythm it at will. just will it. do it. we the people, cannot lose it. --c3w

ambush. a.m to f.m stash the bush from that wild turkey. jerky. messin, like curly, with your curls. roll up. drop that fruit. like a tomato red red, green top, pop the crop.. and ... get dowwwwwnnnnn - wid me --c3w

on the streets, tackling is a penalty .. penitentiary based. yeah I can't spell it. the penultimate base. hear my case. bring em out. its plant BASED. stop. drop and roll. DOPE. share and enjoy, friend. we'll make more. corner STORE, YOUR mind. be kind. rewind. and /wind the twine/ that binds the /turbine/ that drives the power. of THIS planet. DAMMIT JANET. the planet needs you. pleads you. innocent, for a penny, shiny. the rhyme, the wing. shock the flock. drop this dot. the speck. plugged in with fairy cake. to show you where you're NOT. --c3w

do0d I busted a ryme on your timeline. but chrome busted my nuts. lost cache. even mdfind could get my cash back. anyway. welcome to new year. punk. steam on, with rails. like back. to the future. keep the quill. sequel. we'll see you. back. in and out, weaved. into time. -- c3w . happy birthday PRICE is right. stuck_out_tongue


Chas Wareing the old bait-and-SW1TCH, cross-barred, 26oo, whistle p1tched. Ma Bell, LOOK. no hands, ring me up? Gs. 5 and dime. can't drop it no-more, pay to play - and they got the cheat. codes. liquid metal. terminator. pack your lunch. light. as in satellite. we make it, you take it. like the hot lunch you bite. then throw it, cold. to the street, late night. watch your packets. ketchup if you can --c3w

as in convection. oven. candy. hansel and gretel. made-up to look like made-up witches. which is odd. like the number nine. turned on end. backwards. 'turn me on dead man' lennon died for nixon. crook'ed, water. gate.

as in convection. oven. candy. hansel and gretel. made-up to look like made-up witches. which is odd. like the number nine. turned on end. backwards. 'turn me on dead man' lennon died for nixon. crook'ed, water. gate. pool of liver. 1969. rage against the machine. wake up. its time. --c3w

as in convection. oven. candy. hansel and gretel. made-up to look like made-up scandal. which is odd. like the number nine. turned on end. backwards. 'turn me on dead man' lennon died for nixon. crook'ed, water. gate. pool of liver. 1969. rage against the machine. wake up. its time. --c3w

as dad would say, 'rename the DoD to its original name.. the Department of WAR' . . these peeps bury themselves, 30floors under high-RISES, on the east coast. TEMPEST shielded. watchin you, you can't watch them. black budget. under handed. #allbudgetsmatter. this penta, took their muthafuckin time to find their ass, both times, out. --c3w

for 2018. still in our teens. make it right. oxy clean that acne. stand up. straight, gay, or inbetween the lines. read em. cuz I'm startin to flip. off. we got biff. the the house. that we died to pride. flags in his back pocket, snot rag.

LOOK a new flag.. nah its just a fruit rollup. rolled up and eaten. not beaten. food for thought. stop. drop. and roll-up. on fire, stop drinkin this orange. JUICED. UP. pants on fire, lier. hire for neigh'r higher. drop. let the clown loose... in the street... on his own two FEAT. <porta-potties over there, do0d> --c3w

what is life? .... its a cereal. you can get it spiced, if you're nice. it comes in a box. you bring it out. in series. circuitry of your peers. a few beers, over tears, of OUR fears. stomped. like the boots that brought us to vietnam. the bomb. the history repeating. just a little bit. look it up. that song was mixed /up/, from a hit. stitched in time, its /our/ time, if you define it. refine it. wind it up and roll it to the ground, on twine. now. yo yo yo ma. cat gut made the cello like the horses hooves made your jell{o/a}. anywayyy... I have a save buffer set up. in memory. of space .. so just thought I'd share this textfile post haste. 0hour. power. --c3w

bust a rhyme. in space. time, drops the BEAT, to the earth, rebirth. time to shine, the nexus is your solar plexus. the spiral chakra, led by music. to rock ya. face it. pace it. like a pacer car to a racer. round the loop, its zer0, your hero. the next round to infinity, the trinity. wake up neo. geo. cartridge loaded. power up. render your bender, like that spoon, that feeds the masses. your classes. said to the pharaoh, buried, bequeathed, transmitted, beneath. soft peat. thrice buried to be recycled. like a cyclotron to spin down this beat. the chemical, eaten. zer0s back. full circle. bring back some guests. we need dirty words, ork, a hornet, green and the karate champ. and if you can swing it. bring back gramp. and a prophet. time is of the essence, as essence is time --c3w welcome back Charlie Wareing #giladh

check the fairy cake, if you're outside the office, zarniwoop, on the frogstar B man. only zaphod survives. with pride. AND predujuce - juiced up with a large gold brick and a drink for the rest-of-us. improbable? probably. starts with a thumbs up, space out, peace out --

check the fairy cake, if you're outside the office, zarniwoop. on the frogstar B man. only Zaphod survives. with pride. AND prejudice - juiced up with a large gold brick, and a drink for the rest-of-us. improbable? probably. it starts with a subetha thumbs up, space out, peace out -- dendrassi will put your meals out -- 'c3w' additional: all my bust-a-rhymes are @ https://github.com/c3w/variety/tree/master/rhyme0

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