You will find another girlfriend, another wife, another brother or sister or friend or child or others for yours in the world. But will not get another mother, she is the only one.

in Italy3 years ago

Mother is the best blessing of the earth. The hadith of Islam says, "The paradise of the child is under the feet of the mother".

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Mother is the only one in the world, there is no one to replace mother. Now if any man in the world loves us unselfishly then she is our mother. We are born from the womb of a mother. Of all the people in the world, mother's sacrifice is the more for us. Every mothers are ready to sacrifice their lives for their children, at childbirth time.

You may have two or three girlfriends. One can be better or more attractive than the other. You can have multiple marriages, you can have more than one wife or husband. You can have two or three or more children. You may have multiple good friends. But, but, but, there is only one mother who gave birth to you, there is only one father. Whose blood, genes in your body.

Every woman's life is at risk during childbirth. Many women in the world die during childbirth. That is, all mothers are ready to sacrifice their lives for their children.
No other person in the world will give his life for us.
The same amount of pain that a woman endures during childbirth will cause the death of a healthy person. Mother holds us in her womb for about ten months. After birth we eat milk from the mother's breast. Mother nurtures us, keeps us safe. Both parents.

The sad thing is that we treat our parents badly, hurt them, put them in old age homes, don't take care of them, don't love them. This kind of work is cursed, sad, inferior ...

We must take care of our parents, serve them, love them, take care of the elderly and treat them well.

I opinion is-
there is no person in the world is as sacrificer as mother.
there is no friend in the world is as best as mother.
there is no word in the world is as sweet as mother.

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