Which Character Traits Best Describe Your Personality : Are You Contented With It?

in #character6 years ago

View the original post on Musing.io

Sincerely, I find it very difficult describing the character traits that describe my personality because they are just too much for me to define. There are different people who commend me about some of the lovely character traits I possess due to how I relate positively and caring towards them.

I believe it is sometimes difficult to detect our character traits which defines our personality but with the help of people and the environment, we can surely get the answer to our question. I will list very few character traits which defines my personality adopted from what people say about me and what I noticed about myself.

1) GENEROSITY: Some people do believe I am very caring and kind because I do give out to some people who may be in need. I won't say much about this because I don't want it to feel like I am showing off my good deeds but believe me, I can't bear it when people suffer around me. I don't feel happy when I see people suffering or being oppressed by some rich folks. I am always try my best to to support the poor ones and the weak ones with anything that can be of great help for them.

2) OPTIMISTIC : I think I also possess the character traits of optimism and it also defines my personal. I see things differently be because I am always optimistic about my view or perception towards things. I always expect and hope for the best in every thing that happens. We can all see how badly the crypto market is treating us presently, but that doesn't stops me from visiting musing to earn steem for it activities because I hope the market will surely become more favorable one day.

3)INTEGRITY: My honesty and respect while dealing with people has earned me much respect from everyone who knows me and this has added more to my integrity. I am a man of integrity and I do believe in treating people with respect because respect is reciprocal as they do say. This personality has helped me a lot in my LIFE because I am always honored by people and I am very happy about this.

4) A LEADER : Ralph Nalder once said a leader is someone who produces more leaders and not followers. This implies that you can never be a leader if you can't make impact in people's lives. I always love to make impact anywhere I find myself in life because it is one of the natural quality I posses. I don't mind taking lots of responsibilities without gaining any money in return provided it will impact people's lives.

This is one of the reason I can't do without visiting musing everyday even though I may not get upvotes for some of my posts but I am always happy when people gain from my answers. I found Musing to be one of the best platform on Steemit which I can add more impact to people's lives by answering their questions.

5) COURAGEOUS: I don't know why some people do say I am courageous despite the fact I am always shy when interacting with the opposite sex and large group of people. I think they had to allocate that kind of personality to me because of the way I confidently handle things without fear and I do things which some people may not be able to do.

In conclusion, these are some of the few character traits that describe my personality even though I don't want to list few more because there are lots of questions to answer. We just have to keep developing good and positive character traits which will name people define our personality nicely so as for us also.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps

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