Is the curation team here on musing impartial when it comes to deciding whose posts will be rewarded?

in #life6 years ago

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I have been hearing same words from different people claiming musing is sometimes partial when it comes to giving out upvote. I will make use of this medium to explain what is really happening and I hope other people having similar mindset will learn from this post.

Firstly, the curators are responsible for selecting or voting for the best post which obeys the rules of Musing when answering or asking questions on the platform. The curators mostly check for quality posts which correctly answer the question perfectly and more comprehensive enough for the questioner and other people who may be reading the post. This is why we usually have more than 3 curators on Musing because it is not really a one man job and also multiple curators helps to make the work more easier and convenient. The curators are really doing a very great job and I think they deserve some accolades 😊.

Some people usually think the answers with high amounts of upvotes will surely gain high upvote from Musing and this is why some people make use of bid bots 😀. The case is different here on Musing, no matter your number of upvotes you might have gained through bid bots or other curation sources, that doesn't means you will earn the highest reward from Musing. Musing will surely reward you if your post worths the reward from musing irrespective of your initial upvotes from different sources.

The most important thing is for you to learn how musing works and understand the platform as this will enable you to earn more reward from Musing. Make sure you follow the required rules and regulations when asking questions or when answering questions so that you can earn good quality upvotes from Musing. You can make a comment below my post if you need the pdf file of how the curation team operates on Musing when it comes to asking questions or providing answers.

Another best thing I love about Musing is that your posts may sometimes get rewarded if you turn out to be second or third person on the list after answering questions. Musing do make use of this strategy because they don't want anyone to feel cheated or sad after providing high quality answers. There are sometimes Musing will upvote my posts maybe after two days because I love posting quality content and I never plagiarized on the platform. I think you just have to be patient for some time and check your post when regarding how you answer questions on the platform. Always make sure your answers are plagiarized free content with high quality post answering the question which benefits everyone reading.

Lastly, I think there are also some people who are recognized on Musing just for their impact on the platform. Musing will surely reward such people due to their influence and impact they've added on the platform. I can remember very well that we don't use to have much users on Musing during the previous months unlike what we now have today. Musing is drastically developing which has led to more users joining the platform and we will keep having more users joining the platform because musing is one of the best platform I have ever been on Steemit for the past few months it began.

In conclusion, the curation team aren't really partial when it comes to rewarding users. If you really answer the question following the stated rules on Musing, you will surely be rewarded for your effort. If Musing was to be partial, I don't think we will have more users joining us today even though we are still expecting more users in the future. Let's do away with the mindset of Musing being partial and let's keep making impact on people's lives without aiming for the reward. If you truly answer without expecting any reward, you will surely answer the question with love and add more to it's quality which will later get you rewarded by Musing. Always remember to keep using Musing so that you may also get recognized for your impact on the platform and this will surely help you achieve more success.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.


Thanks for this exhausted Treatise on this question. I have been of similar thoughts but I am now better informed. I , however would need the PDF on how the curation team of Musing operates.

Thank You @debp

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