My Notes To Category Kind Of Followers

in #indonesia6 years ago

My notes

I ever made notes about my followers, this image above is one of my notes. I determine or distinguish kind of my followers become three categories, which is :

1. Loyal followers

2. Regular followers

3. Non Followers/ New followers

I made triangle shape and place loyal followers at the bottom, because they are my foundation (such as a building have strong foundation) and the most important followers. In the middle is regular followers who vote my post regularly but not always vote each my post but they are also important.Non followers or newbies , they only occasionally vote my post and I always check their activities when vote my post just in case to prevent and determine scammer (especially for steemian who only leave comment but not vote my post).

That is my personal way to determine and distinguish my followers and sometimes I made my notes in English for practicing my English.(hpx)

wadaw... saya masih kategori 'kadang-kadang' :D

Ora opo-opo :)

Keren mas @happyphoenix, saya jadi pengen buat seperti itu juga kayaknya, untuk mengatur pengikut kita, biar semua jadi mudah

betul, sebaiknya diatur mulai ketika followers masih belum terlalu banyak, nanti kalau sudah terlalu banyak malah jadi bingung. Nanti akan mudah kalau mau mengatur balas balik vote dan komentar :)

Setuju, saya mau coba ahh, thank banget buat postingan kerennya ya, ini sangat keren 👍👍👍

Mantap @happyphoenix kita jadi penasaran ni dengan rumusnya

terima kasih, dicoba aja rumus yang cocok nanti akan ketemu mana yang cocok. :)

I am glad to be part of your loyal followers, spread kindness as always hanto :))

Aw... thank you ! :)

My friend, it would be an honor for me to be considered your follower!

I always remember you :)

I love the formula you create, I will wait to see who will be your loyal followers. thanks

Good post @happyphoenix, i like it, success is always for you.

I hope I'm in one of the upper parts of the pyramid))) dear! You're one of my favorite followers :)

I'm very glad!

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