Sea Of Cortez & The Secret To Life

in #philosophy6 years ago

How can I bring the full force of my mind towards a goal? How can I be hyper-effective?

Not busy, but effective. I want to crank out a week's worth of work in 4 hours.
Sometimes, I'm in the zone and this happens.

Other days, like yesterday, I stare at my computer all day.
I check telegram 1000 times. Then I fix the vacuum.
Then I go on a walk because I've been sitting.
Then I punch myself in the stomach because I check Blockfolio.
Then I go stare at my computer.

Then I go to sleep feeling like maybe I'll sail to the Sea Of Cortez like Steinbeck for some perspective. (Not that this is out of the question).

But why not? Isn't real life about living our own personal legends?
...and I digress.

The point is, some days I feel like I just hunched over and moped around the yard dragging my face in the dirt. That is the ebb and flow of life.

Here is my fix for tough days:
When I crush my morning routine, the day is a gentle ray of sun, full of promise beckoning me to live peacefully and full of drive and passion.

Win the morning, win the day.

-Eyes open. Start moving. Get up. Put on Shoes. Walk outside.
Look at the sunrise and do a few air squats and breath deep. Not exercise. Just enough to move my blood and feel my body waking up. I'm present with the quiet. Birds chirp. The fresh sun is just peaks at me.

Drink a glass of water with lemon and salt.

Talk a walk. On my walk I list out loud all the things I'm grateful for.
Every small thing I can think of and I just ramble. It becomes this overwhelming force of how appreciative I am.

The rest of my routine cascades into place after my gratitude walk.
The little shit slides down it's little poo mountain and disappears. haha. Life looks bright. Fun. Silly.

When I really take a dedicated time to love myself and the world, my day just moves like I want it to.

These are the days, I crank out a week of work in 4 hours. These are the days I live to my potential. These days I feel fulfilled.

In short, the key is to get my body moving and give sincere thanks before ANYTHING else.

One of the things I always list in my gratitude walk is Steemit. What a wonderful opportunity we all have with this platform. On the bleeding edge of technology. Pushing into a new world of interaction. Transparency and personal freedom with a chance of helping people all over the world. Pretty epic.

Cheers my Steem friends.

PS. Press this button and make me smile. It takes 3-5 seconds


Good research into John Steinbeck's Journey to/Log from the Sea of Cortez. Your title drew me in like a magnet. I read this book while living on a tropical island (Puerto Rico) and after losing a big corporate position in 1975 ! Yes I was very young (26) distraught, confused and crying in my beer while licking my fresh wounds as it were.

That book contains such vivid images of mirage where the desert meets the sea; floating islands, land that vaporizes and water that turns into land, false channels, cul de sacs and outright visual hallucinations. Sea over land and land over sea.

I remember Steinbeck writing that "One cannot help but feel, not a little jaunty when disembarking from your own yacht, however humble the craft, in a foreign port. There's an unavoidable swagger in one's steps upon reaching terra firme once again." (I paraphrase from memory -44 yrs.)

And yes, regardless of the circumstances, the mind will Rise and Fall in elation and depression, gain and loss, love and fear as long as you are alive and sentient (feeling).

When I read this book, I remember just longing for some sort of adventure. What an amazing life Steinbeck lived.

One of my other favorites is Travels with Charley. He comes to the Redwood forest and describes it as cathedral-like. The soft fur of the trees sucking in the sound. The thousands of years of duff and hummis making a soft carpet. It just makes you want to talk in hushed tones.

Love, Steinbeck as a writer and traveler.

Thanks for your comment. Cheers

It so makes a difference in the day when you start with gratitude and moving that body. I am so glad that you are a witness now!!

It's so true. The right start is everything. I'm excited to see your writing initiatives are still going so well. You've been going for a while now. Awesome.

Thank you. Blood and tears LOL. But I will keep going, even though it prevents me from interacting more with the "bigger" world of Steemit. but I am proud to say that 2 of the Freewriters have already published a book - based on the work they did with the daily prompt - and another is about to launch one.
Still hoping to get the attention of a whale so I can reward the participants better. Many get started with the freewrite, shed their writer's block, gain confidence and then take off to other initiatives who offer more rewards. Oh well, plugging along.

Shedding the writer's block is huge. A delegation for your project would be fantastic. I'll keep my ears open and send some good thoughts your way.

Thank you so much!! You are still doing meetups in Northern Cal, right? I told a couple of people to check with you...

yes, actually I have a fun one coming up on August 28th in San Francisco

here's the link. Feel free to pass it on

Thank you so much. I will pass it on!

Love this post! Quite motivational

@happymoneyman glad to see you in witnesses you are doing awesome in blogs supporting you in witnesses too good luck and all the best have a great start.

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Yes, there are many days like this, innit? I love and enjoy your creativity. Made me smile. :)

ha! wonderful writing sir happymoneyman! I don't even know what blockfolio or telegram is but I've heard of them. I think your daily morning routine is a winner!

Your postings are extraordinary symbolizing the meaning of a life, I like it.

Attaching to the roots always help in life ;)

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