Kitchen Play with @littledrummerboy and @happycrazycon: Making Carrot Cake for the First Time!!!

in #onelovedtube6 years ago (edited)

Before I go any further, I want to salute all of you who do vlogs and videos. It is not an easy job to do. I was feeling it more this time because I was trying to tackle a few things at one go: watching out on @littledrummerboy who can grab anything on the table and do something when I am not looking, thinking what I wanted to say before the camera, thinking what is next to do in the baking, going to and from pausing and resuming the video recording! I was also looking for a pleasant spot to shoot because I needed the power plug point for my mixer which has a super short cord. Finally I brought in @littledrummerboy's writing table which we cleaned it together before use. All of these gave me the best sleep I have had for the night, hahaha! After finish working on this post, I hope I will still be able to sleep like before.

Today, we were making a carrot cake, because my friend whose birthday is coming loves carrot cake. I was nervous because it is not something I have done before. I have gone online to study different recipes over and over again but I knew I may not be able to remember all of that. Hence to reduce the failure rate, carrot cake premix it is!!! I got it from a nearby bakery supplies shop that I go to whenever I want to bake, called Bake Well, hoping that I would bake well, lol. I think it has some cake flour, sugar in the premix and maybe some baking powder too.

On top of that, I followed the simple instructions on the premix as well where it had group the dried ingredients to Group A, butter in Group B and finally walnuts and raisins in Group C. I omitted raisins because I thought I had them at home but I actually didn't, oops!

I added extra vanilla extract, a little salt and some baking soda to the recipe of the premix as I read another recipe with such ingredients. Not too sure if I have added "trouble" to myself but it was not too bad.

Here's the photo I took of the groupings:


Following the groupings made everything easier. I prepared the ingredients earlier but still, when I turned my back around, @littledrummerboy could not wait to start. Instead of standing behind the table to wait to start, he helped me poured some nutmeg powder into the eggs, hahhaha! He was too eager to start perhaps.

Here's a correction I need to clarify:


Instead of baking for 50 mins (which I referred to recipe online) stated in the video above, we only used 30 mins at 180C. I was glad I did check on it from time to time with a toothpick. With that amount of batter, we managed to do two baking trays which was perfect one as an experiment and home eat, while another is to be given away as a not-too-horrible gift.

The carrot cakes smelled really fragrant while baking and they turned out fine. Lovely and we were very proud of ourselves. Then, I sent @littledrummerboy to take a nap while we let the cakes cool down and even fridged them later before we worked on the frosting.


As I watched back the many clips to combine them together, I feel so sorry that it has gotten so long. I even included a Behind the Scenes. My husband was telling me that I need not record the whole process and can even use time lapse. That is true and I hope you don't find it too draggy.

@littledrummerboy is so adorable and funny in the video because he too wanted to speak the things on his mind. Looks like he is more comfortable than me before the camera!!! 😂

Thank you guys for watching and for your patience!!! 😂 I will be posting the video about frosting another time.

created by @zord189

Credited to @exzorltg


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Following the father's footstep to be an awesome chef! hahaha, and they say cooks are geniuses cause they can cook up almost anything with given ingredients. Love the smell of freshly baked whatever flour. Hahah

Hahaha really? Then I should get the father to do more of such things with him instead of me. Lol. Cos my baking is really so so only. I shall ask them to cook more Hahahaha! Thanks for coming by and yes see you this Friday @zord189! :)

Nowadays is much easier that we can find premixed ingredients, looks fun to make this video! Hahaha

Hahahaha I sooooo agree with that @roselifecoach! I am all for short cuts while my husband isn't. He likes to do things from scratch haha.

I know right... I know someone who likes the 'originality' of things too!

hahaha same "school" as my husband. I get convenient stuff :P

Above all, it is all fun, all the way. I watch also feel fun fun fun. Hehe.

This one was more fun and easier. The other one after this was messy and chaotic!!! Hahah I dunno why I recorded so long also, sounds like a bit boring to watch through everything Hahaha. But thank you for your time :)

I just switch on and both Jansen and I watch. Although he didn't really watch, just listened. He was lying down most of the time watching his own other videos.

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Wow that is so nice of you to finish watching, I have not much guts to rewatch :P Hope Jansen is much better today and can see him on Friday!

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