The Turning Point #AmityReadsHappinessBooks

The first step to letting go of your anger is to give yourself a ‘good talking to’. In addressing yourself you are addressing your anger – the anger that has been making you unhappy for a long time. When exactly the turning point arrives varies. It may come at the end of days, weeks or years of being angry. Clearly big hurts need longer to heal than smaller hurts, and while you are healing anger is acceptable and healthy. But you will know when your anger is past its ‘use by’ date. You will know when it is time to let go and move on, and when it is time look at yourself in the mirror and address yourself honestly.
Perhaps what has caused you to be angry and depressed is not one incident but a culmination of small incidents that have built up over time. Or it may be there aren’t any incidents at all, but just an ongoing gnawing anger that life promised you something and hasn’t delivered. Whatever the reason, if you are angry, you will be unhappy and at some point you need to make a conscious decision to let go and move on. We can sometimes take on responsibility for the actions of others, convincing ourselves we are to blame for the outcome when in fact we have no control of those actions, and this results in us feeling frustrated and angry. In such cases we need to pass the responsibility for the bad word or deed back to the person who had issued it, acknowledging their responsibility. When you reach the turning point, you can take action by acknowledging the truth, thereby allowing yourself to deal with the anger and move on to happiness and contentment.

R = TP = H
(where R- realisation, TP- Turning point, H- happiness)

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