Artificial Price Memory w/ Assets, Investing with Magic: the Gathering (Part 3)

in #gaming7 years ago

Hello everyone! It's been a while but I still have some topics I'd love to cover regarding gaming assets and how it relates to cryptocurrency. If you missed the previous entires, be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2.

To recap, my few years of playing and trading with Magic the Gathering (MtG) have provided a unique insight in how he price of an asset works. The more and more I learned about crypto, those experiences and parallels kicked in so through these posts, my aim is to outline some of those personal lessons.

Let's begin!

What is Price Memory?

Well with any asset, the price of something is not completely determined by Supply & Demand variables. Let's say I buy a card at $20 by current market price and for some external reasons, the level of play and exposure of the card drops dramatically. Many would expect the price to equally drop in ratio to it's use, but most times this is not the case.

Why? Because assets holders will not buy or sell immediately with market trends. I just spent an Andrew Jackson on that card, do you think I'll be willing to sell it when it drops down to 16 or 10? Misreading the market can lead many buyers to sit on their fat assets (get it? =]). Maybe the price will go up again in the future or a whole bunch of other hypotheticals.

Point is, stubbornness and a certain amount of unsupported expectation can cause an asset to hold at a certain price range. Price memory.

Cards with the Memory of an Elephant

Let's look at an example.

Karn Liberated is a seminal card in MtG and is the iconic symbol of the age-old and successful modern deck Tron. It's use in tournament play drove the price up to a whopping $54 per copy in 2014. For the next year or so, it hovered above the mid-40 mark.


In 2015, the card was reprinted, spilling hundreds of more copies into the market and the price responded accordingly. By the end of the year, you could pick up a copy for <$30 on the market.


Around early 2016, it's deck resurged in the meta and the demand spiked to above $60... But the strangest thing happened when it was almost completely hated out of the tournament scene. Over the remaining winter and spring months, no-one touched the deck. And yet the price never dropped back below $43.

Today, Karn Liberated is almost $70, even though it's use in the tournament circuit is nowhere near what it used to be.

Karn is one of the highly publicized cards and is now synonymous with high-level play/investment. Even though it may not objectively be used as much today, players are unwilling to sell or trade a premium card that they paid a premium for. With even a small chance that the card may see greater play in the future, 3rd-party sellers are also maintaining an artificial cost.

My Takeaway for Crypto

Again, what's really important to understand about an asset is that it doesn't react as immediately to market forces as pure fiat currency. If buyers are stubborn and/or believe that an asset may rise again in the future, there is an extra and potentially artificial push to keep prices above a certain threshold.

Think of it as being similar to selling something on Craigslist. Sure, maybe everyone is selling their baseball card collections for around $200. But there's almost no pressure to sell yours for under $250 unless you're financially in need. Who knows, maybe the popularity of the collectible will bounce back!

The reason this concept is imperative to crypto is that the price isn't completely determined by supply/demand. After doing some research, many outlier cryptos seem to be the product of dying off in the market but maintain a fractional price since there are some still left in people's possession. Again, the key thing to factor into consideration is that the price is NOT directly correlated to actual use or supply/demand.

That's all from me today! Be sure to check out the previous posts and let me know what you think. Happy trading!

Previous Magic the Gathering Asset Posts

1 - Trading Crypto like MtG
2 - The Cost of HYPE

design collective @hitheryon



Wow, I can't believe it's been long enough for this:


to apply to a Planeswalker I never saw in print. This sure is an old game.

"many outlier cryptos seem to be the product of dying off in the market but maintain a fractional price since there are some still left in people's possession."


Haha, well "age-old" in relation to the history of modern I guess.

There are many many almost nonexistent cryptos that have flattened out. I think Dogecoin is more akin to a collectible where holders are just embracing its historical uniqueness... =P

Cool stuff! I write about crypto, personal life, sports and life on my profile. Will soon start blogging about food, travel and my adventures in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Philippines. You might be interested, love <3

Sure! Looking forward

Hoping to see this do very well... thanks for sharing

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Very nice post
thanks for sharing

저 메직더게더링 ice age 때 부터 했어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 반갑군요~

오 정말요?? wony님 무슨 format 하시세요?

Type II, mordern 다 합니다~

저도 modern 매주 합니다ㅎㅎ 다음에 한국가면 같이 해요 워니님.

Price memory is not a term I've heard before but it makes sense hearing you explain it.

I've been acting in this way with my Steem - I was going to cash out some steem into USD, but I'm waiting until it goes above $2 per steem again. If it had never been above $2 before, I might be happy to sell at $1.50. But with my memory of $2.30+ steems, I can't bare to sell below two bucks!!

Hahaaa yea I think we're all in the same boat, waiting for that 25% bounce-back

매...매직더개더링! 이것과 암호화폐를 연결하시다니.. 대단하십니다. 저도 고등학교 때 잠깐 했었는데.. 이제는 기억도 잘 안나네요ㅠㅠ 저는 그때 가난해서 카드를 많이 못샀던 서러움이 있습니다..

혁님! 제 취미여서 재미있게 비유를 하고 싶었어요. 매직 카드 트레이딩 하다 보니 암호 화폐 그래프 읽는 것이 도움이 됬습니다. 매직 덕분ㅇ[ 어린 시절을 잘 보냈는데 이제까지 사업 하느라 맘데로 못사다가 요즘와서 다시 하고 있습니다ㅎㅎ 같이 다시 합시다 혁님 ㅎㅎ

저는 아이가 조금 더 자라면 서서히 예전 추억을 되살리면서 시작해보겠습니다. 지금은 제가 가지고 있는 마술카드들도 모두 봉인 상태라서.. 보면 카카 거리면서 카드를 막 찢고 물고..ㅠㅠ

ㅎㅎ 그러시군요. 말씀만 들으면 귀여운 상황 같이 들리지만 종종 얼마나 마술 카드를 하시고 싶으실 것이라 생각합니다. 혁님 프로필 사진이 조금? 설명이 됩니다 ㅎㅎ 멋진 호비를 가지고 계신것 같습니다.

감사합니다^^ 애기가 귀엽긴 한데... 하고 싶은 일을 못하는 건 힘들죠.. 저는 또 마술을 아예 생업으로 삼으려고 했던 사람이라.. 매일 마술 카드를 마지고 싶은 마음이 크거든요ㅠㅠ 나중에 언제 정말 매직더개더링 다시 시작하게 되면.. 한식하우스님과 함께 해보고 싶네요^^

오! 커리어로 하시려 했다면 정말 그 마음이 크실 것 같습니다ㅠㅠ 기회가 되어 스팀 모임에서 뵈면 짧게라도 공연을 해주실 수 있을까요?! 저는 마술쇼를 본적이 없는데 생각만 해도 즐겁습니다!... 필요하시다면 제가 아기를 돌보겠습니다 ㅎㅎ

그만둔지 너무나 오래됐지만.... 나중에 스팀 모임에 가게 되면 간단한 동전마술과 카드 마술 정도는.. 누르면 나와서 보여드릴 수 있습니다^^ 스팀모임에는 아기는 빼고 가야죠ㅎㅎ

너무 기대됩니다! 혁님 ㅎㅎ 종종 마술에 대해 포스팅 해주세요~

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Great post ! Today i just lost my job...i worked really hard as a waiter for like 10 years in a restaurant...worked night after night shifts but still they decide they don't need my services anymore and that they don't have money to pay me so they just kick me out . It was really hard for me to find this job because i don't have much education....i did't go to college...
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Thank you very much for your help and i hope you have a great day .

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