contest!!| Your favorite science subject

in Steem For Pakistan27 days ago

Hi steemains I am engaging in this contest and am glad to share my love and knowledge about my best subject geography.

Science as a course of study is really important in our day to day activities in life and applying is main deal as a science student. As of regards to my favourite science subject, the subject is geography. Geography as a course of study, got me attracted to it when I was just in SSS 1.


In the first term, I was the student who scored the highest than my classmates, this made my geography teacher to present a gift to me and that boasted my confidence to put more interest and know the subject geography to it's fullness. I will know like to education you all about the terms in geography, beginning with it's meaning.

Geography was originally gotten from two Greek words which are "Geo" which means the earth and "Graph" that means description. That means that geography is a science student that has to do with the description of the earths surface. The subject geography can be sub divided into 4 categories which are.

  1. Biological geography

  2. Mathematical geography

  3. Human geography

  4. Physical geography

The subject geography also give us the knowledge to know the various proof that the earth is truly spherical in shape.


It helps us to have the ability and knowledge to differentiate between the eclipse of the sun and moon. The eclipse of the sun is the process in which the earth comes between the moon and the sun. While the eclipse of the moon accurs as a result of the moon coming between the sun and the earth, this then results to a complete darkness on the earth the is dark than night.

During the process of studying this subject in school, you will come across the classification of climate.

The classification of climate can be defined as the act which the continuous aim of bringing all together the different climate types with thier different or similar attributes. Here are the following method of classifying climate by the acient geographers.

  1. The Greek classification of climate.

  2. Koppen's classification of climate.

The Greek classification of climate are of two forms which are:

  • the tropical or torrid zone.

  • the mid latitude or temperate zone.

  • the frigid zone or polar region.

The classification of climate based on Dr Alexander coppen are represented with letters from "A" to "E".


  1. A - Tropical rain climate

  2. B - Dry climate

  3. C - Warm temperature rainy climate

  4. D - Cool temperature snowing forest

  5. E - Polar Climate

Studying geography will help you to know how to read maps of any kinds and enable you to be able to know the earth surfaces more and to be able to identify the equator.

I know want to invite @bonaventure24, @josepha, @onomzy001, @saintkelvin17 to participate in the contest.

Cc : @sahar78

Thanks for reading this publication

 27 days ago 

Nice to know that you always score higher than your classmates in Geography...
It time you will teach me about this subject..

Success in this contest


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