Know my country - pakistan

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 months ago

Name and History of the Country

Hello everyone i hope you all are good and enjoy your life. My country Pakistan is officialy known the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is located the in South Asia and has rich and diverse history . The land of Pakistan is to some of the worlds oldest civilizations like the Indus Valey Civilization which date backed to Around 2500 BCE. Pakistan became independent nation on August 14 1947 after gaining freedom from British rule. This were the result of the partition of India which created separate homeland for Muslims in the region. The founder of pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah is greatly respecte and is known the Father of the Nation.


What I Love About Pakistan

What I love most about Pakistan is it incredible diversity and cultural richnes. Pakistan has wide variety of landscapes from the tall mountains of the Himalaya and Karakoram in the north to the Vast desert of Thar in the south and the fertile plain of Punjab. The cultural heritage of Pakistan is equally diverse influence by Persian central Asian and South Asian tradition.


I am proud of Pakistan long standing traditions of hospitality and generosity which are reflected in the warmth and friendlines of its people. Moreover Pakistan contributions to the arts music literature and sports especially cricket make me proud to be resident of this country. The delicious food colorful festivals and rich history all add to the charm of Pakistan.

Most Famous Place to Visit: The Badshahi Mosque

One of the Most famou place to visiting in pakistan is the Badshahi Mosque located in lahore Punjab. It is one of the largest mosque in the world and symbol of Mughal archtectural beauty. Built in 1673 by the mughal emperor Aurangzeb the Badshahi Mosque is masterpiece of design and Construction.


The mosque is known for its vast courtyard which can hold over 55 000 worshipper at time making it one of the biggest mosques globally. The prayer hall is beautifuly decorat with intricate frescoe and marble The mosque dome and minaret add to its majestic appearance. visiting the Badshahi Mosque is like steping back in time and experiencing the grandeur of the Mughal era.

Steemit Users I would Love to Travel With

  1. @hooriarehman - I would love to travel with @hooriarehman because she shares amazing travel stories and has vibrant personality. Her enthusiasm for exploring new cultures and places would make our travel more enjoyable and memorable.

  2. @muhammad-ahmad - @muhammad-ahmad is known for his insightful posts and deep appreciation for historical sites. Traveling with him would be greatest because his knowledge and passion for history would provide rich understanding of the places we visit.

  3. @sohaibkhayyam - @sohaibkhayyam has a keen eye for photography and love adventure. His ability to capture stunning visuals and his adventurous spirit would add exciting dimension to our travels.

Writing this has given me a chance to think about all the wonderful things about my country Pakistan and share them with you. Pakistan is land of endless wonders with its historical monuments cultural festival natural beauty and rich traditions. I hope this introduction to Pakistan inspires you to explore and appreciate the beauty and diversity of this incredible nation.

i am inviting: @meriseptriyanti @leonciocast @sol02


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@hamzayousafzai what an amazing post written by you. The way you described your country is informative and inspirational. I am Pakistani too but haven't visited Badshahi masjid after reading the post I am thinking of going to this place.
Stay blessed.

 2 months ago 

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Steem Entrepreneurs Team

 2 months ago 

Gracias amigo por la invitación.

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