Contest From Dream To Reality || My YouTube Adventure: Turning What I Love into Something Awesome

in Steem Entrepreneurs8 months ago
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Hey everyone at the Dream To Reality Contest

I am super excited to share my story here all about turning a dream into reality with lot of passion hard work and alway learning new thing.

Back in 2016 I start making videos on YouTube because I love tech stuff. little did I know this would become big part of my life. at the start it was tough not many people were watching just few subscriber and not much attention. That made me Stop and think.

Facing a Challenge:

I realized I needed to do better so I decided to take it as challenge. I became a learner again getting into storytelling figuring out video editing and understanding graphic design. I did not just want to talk about tech I wanted to make my video interesting for anyone Watching.

Starting Fresh:

With my new skill I started again. Instead of just tech videos I started making vlog with interesting stories. It worked people started noticing and more and more folks started Subscribing.

Big Moment:

In a few months I reached 1000 subscribers. It felt unreal like a big achievement that showed me if you Keep trying and getting better good thing happen. YouTube even noticed and my channel got monetized.

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Earning from What I Love:

Looking back I am happy to say that this month I earned $96.34 from my YouTube channel. It might not be a lot but for me its a sign that I m making progress learning from mistakes and still loving what I do.

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adsence dashboard

Showing the Journey:

To make my story more real I have added some pictures and Videos. They show the different parts of my journey from the start when it was tough to the cool moments when I reached my goal.

Thanks to Everyone:

This journey is not just mine its everyones who supported me. Thanks ton for being there cheering me up when things were tough and celebrating with me when things went well

Dreams Coming True:

This contest "From Dream To Reality" feels like my story. It's not just about tech or YouTube it's about making dreams come true. Every tough time was a step to something better every mistake taught me something new.

Here to dreaming big Working hard and making those dreams real one subscriber one lesson one goal at a time.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

@hamzayousafzai you really know how to handle your job and how to accumulate more subscribers to your channel, your story sounds interesting, thanks for sharing.

thank you so much for your appreciation

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JST 0.030
BTC 65641.09
ETH 3479.54
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50