Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2 - Learn to appreciate a drop of water

Asalam-O-Alaikum Steemians

I hope you all will be doing great in your lives I'm very happy to be participating in the second week of Season 9 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. Today I am here to participate in a contest organised by Steem Entrepreneurs, and the topic is "Learn to appreciate a drop of water" in which we will be discussing the importance o water in our daily lives .

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What is the function of water in life?

Water is one of the greatest blessings of God, and humans should be thankful for this blessing water plays very important role in this whole world if there's no water this world cannot survive without water a scientists are tired of finding water in another planets because when there's water there's life possible on that land Every specie in this world needs water to survive and live a healthy life in this planet so we cant know the importance of water until we experience the lack of water as many countries and peoples are suffering from the lack of water and look at there life style and health our body needs water and we can sy that our 60% of body is consist of water and running though water every animal and plant needs water. We are Muslims and we recently had Ramadan in which we cannot drink a single drop of water for [articular time so that's how we know the importance of water in our lives and every human should be careful while using water because in coming times we may face a big problem of water because our ancestors says that the last war of world will be upon water people will kill each other for water to make life


How do we describe the value of a drop of water?

As a muslim i experienced the thirst of water for 30 days Every single drop of water is very important for us. Just as a car cannot run without gasoline a person cannot survive without water not a single life can ssurvive without water we dont knoe the value of water because we have it in large quantity now we will know its worth when we dont have much water left every country every state will collapse becuase of no water our food our industries factories everything requires water because water is a universal solvent of the world everything requires water. Water also effect our helth we can become dehydrated, which can lead to a health problems, including headaches, fatigue, and even organ failure in severe cases thats why we continously needed water in our lives inshort our life depends on water

How is the availability of clean water in your area?

The availability of clean water in our area is gret because i live in a busy city so it requires more water than a normall area so it is quite good because to every single home government issue a single pipe of clean water fro which you can drink a filtered water but we have water filtr in our home thats why we dont use government water for extra safety


Comparing to other cities in Pakistan, the water in our city is very clean to drink while in the other cities of Pakistan, the water is salty, and most people buy water in the cities to drink That is why I am very grateful to God that He has blessed us with so much clean water which leads to a healthy and well hydrated community

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I would like to invite @hamzayousafzai @qasim78 @abyousafzai
Thanks For Reading
Best Regards @hamzaarhan

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 last year 

Welcome to the Steemit Engagement Challenge - S9W2 and thank you for taking part in the environmental campaign to raise awareness of steemit users and the world community, especially regarding efforts to prevent a global water crisis through the contest : Learn to appreciate a drop of water.

Before we verify, we remind you to visit other contestants' posts and engage with relevant and meaningful comments. Best of luck, brother @ hamzaarhann

Status club#club5050
Verified userYES
Tag #steemexclusiveYES
Support #burnsteem25YES
CSI voting[ ? ] ( 0.00 % self, 4 upvotes, 4 accounts, last 7d )
Scores8.2 /10
Verification date
April 27, 2023

Determination of Club Status :

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

 last year 

Exelente participación deseo que tengas suerte en el concurso porque has explicado muy detalladamente lo importante que es para la tierra, la humanidad y el resto de los seres vivos el agua como fuente de vida , que no es RENOVABLE

 last year 

Dear @hamzaarhann

Your post is a beautiful reminder to appreciate the little things in life that we often take for granted like drop of water . Its easy to forget the value of something so simple but as you pointed out water is an essential resource that we rely on every day . Your challenge to engage with others & spread positivity is also a wonderful way to make a positive impact In the world. Thank you for sharing your perspective and inspiring us To be more mindful and appreciative . Keep up the great work!

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