35 low-calorie foods that help you stay healthysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #excuseme7 years ago

Reducing calorie intake can cause weight loss. Of course, the nutritional value of different foods varies. It may have a low calorie intake, but it is rich in nutrients. If you want to reduce your calorie intake, it is very important to choose nutritious, nutritious, nutritious foods. These foods can feed you better and reduce your calorie intake. Come here to learn more about 36 low-calorie foods.
Meat and poultry meat
Meat and white meat have high protein content and are good foods for reducing calories. Protein can feed the person well. It is best to choose lean meats to reduce calories. Because fats have a high calorie content and can increase your calorie intake.

1 Calf meat flesh
There is no reason to remove beef from the diet. The red meat is rich in nutrients, vitamin B12 and iron. Iron is an essential ingredient in the body that helps carry oxygen inside the body. Vitamin B12 is essential for the formation of blood cells. Brain flesh has very low fat and is a good choice to reduce calories.
Calorie: 168 calories per 100 grams

2 Chestless skin without bones
Chicken meat is very popular and can be used in many foods. Chicken meat is a good source of protein. You can reduce the calorie content of the skin and the obvious fats of the chicken, and include in your low-calorie diet list.
Calories: 110 calories per 100 grams

3 Turkey breasts
Turmeric breasts are rich in protein, vitamin B6, and niacin. Group B vitamins are effective in converting food to energy. These features make turkey's breasts a great option for your diet.
Calories: 111 calories per 100 grams

More fish and seafood are more nutritious and have the right options to reduce calories. Fish and seafood, such as beef and chicken, are rich in protein. These foods are also rich in nutrients like vitamin B12, iodine and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have many health benefits. Reducing inflammation and contributing to heart health benefits these beneficial fats.

4 Cod
Cod, fat and low calories, but rich in protein. This fish is rich in nutrients like vitamin B12, iodine and selenium, and also contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Iodine helps to better function of the brain and thyroid. Many people suffer from iodine deficiency.
Calories: 82 calories per 100 grams

5 Salmon fish
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12. Salmon is one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D. This feature converts salmon fish into unique food. Because vitamin D deficiency has become a common phenomenon in the world. Vitamin D deficiency can cause many health problems; increased odds of osteoporosis, increased risk of cancer, autoimmune diseases and high blood pressure can be a side effect of vitamin D deficiency.
Calories: 116 calories per 100 grams

the vegetables
Most vegetables have a low calorie content, but they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. These properties make vegetables a great supporter of weight loss. Most vegetables have high water content and fiber. These two substances make you feel calorie intake. Starchy vegetables like potatoes and pumpkins have more calories, but their nutrients are also high.

6 Lettuce
Lettuce is a useful food ingredient with vitamin C and vitamin K and folate. Lettuce can be used in salads. Thus, by increasing the volume of consumed food, it creates a greater sense of taste.
Calories: 16 calories per 100 grams

7 Watercourse (Troutzik Blue)
This vegetable has a green leafy flavor and is one of the most nutritious vegetables that you can eat. The orange has a low calorie content, but it is rich in vitamins A, C and K. You can use the orange with other vegetables in different salads.
Calories: 11 calories per 100 grams

8 Cucumber
Due to the fact that water is the most cucumber material, its calories are also low. Cucumber is also a good source of vitamin K and other beneficial herbal compounds.
Calorie: 15 calories per 100 grams

9 Worms
Having a low calorie and unique flavor, the horse is a good choice to eat in your diet. This delicious vegetable is rich in vitamin C and a small amount of folate.
Calories: 16 calories per 100 grams

10 Celery
Celery is known as low calorie, nutritious, and slimming caloric intake for people who have a low calorie diet. Celery is rich in vitamin K and herbal infusions.
Calories: 16 calories per 100 grams

11 Cleopatra
This kind of cabbage is very nutritious. By eating a cup of clover daily, you can supply all your vitamins A, C and K. In fact, vitamin K in Kleiburg is 7 times your daily requirement for this vitamin. Vitamin K is a very important ingredient in blood clotting.
Calories: 50 calories per 100 grams

12 Spinach
Spinach is rich in folate, manganese and vitamins A, C and K. It is also rich in antioxidants such as "flavonoids" and "carotenoids". These compounds are useful in the fight against cancers and many chronic diseases. Starting a meal with spinach salad and other vegetable salads will help you get fewer calories in your meal.
Calorie: 23 calories per 100 grams

13 Peppermint
Peppermint is rich in vitamin C, fiber and carotenoids. "Carotenoids" are plant-based compounds that are resistant to cancer and contribute to the health of the eye.
Calorie: 31 calories per 100 grams

14 Umbilical fungus
Although the umbrella mushrooms are in the category of fungi, they are often classified in the vegetable family. These fungi also contain high levels of potassium and selenium in addition to vitamin B. Mushrooms have many health benefits. Helping the immune system, reducing inflammation and combating cancers is one of the benefits of fungal edema.
Calorie: 22 calories per 100 grams

Fruits have more calories than vegetables. But due to their high nutritional properties, they should be in a diet.

15 Strawberry
Strawberries are rich in fiber and antioxidants. Of course, these strawberry properties should also be added to the high vitamin C content.
Calorie: 32 calories per 100 grams

16 Cantaloupe
Talebi is rich in vitamins A and C and can be useful for health. The talli-rich beta-carotene is an essential ingredient to maintain the health of the eyes and skin.
Calories: 34 calories per 100 grams

17 Watermelon
Watermelon contains a lot of water. Vitamins A and C are also found in watermelon. Watermelon is rich in herbal compounds. One of these compounds is Lycopene, which helps maintain heart health and combat some cancers.
Calories: 30 calories per 100 grams

18 Grapefruit
Like other citrus grapefruits, it is also rich in vitamin C. Grapefruit takes its color from lycopene, which, as we mentioned, is effective in protecting the health of the heart as well as fighting some cancers.
Calories: 42 calories per 100 grams

19 Kiwi
Only one skinless kiwifruit supplies all your vitamin C needed daily. Kiwi is also a good source of fiber and vitamin K.
Calories: 61 calories per 100 grams

Beans are one of the best sources of plant protein. Given the calories and nutrients found in legumes, they can be classified as nutritious foods.

20 Lobisia
Lobisiah is rich in fiber, folate, iron, manganese, magnesium and group B vitamins. The legumes are a cheap and suitable source of protein for the body.
Calorie content: 132 calories per 100 grams

21 Lentils
Compared to other legumes, preparing and cooking lentils requires less time. Lentils are rich in protein, fiber, folate, thiamine, iron, potassium and manganese. Having a lot of fiber and protein causes a feeling of satiety after eating lentils.
Calories: 116 calories per 100 grams
Dairy and eggs
When it comes to dairy products, its fat content is very important. So, if you want to reduce your calorie intake, use dairy fat or low fat.

22 Non-fat milk
This product has a low calorie content, but its protein quality is high. Milk contains calcium and can help bone health.
Calories: 35 calories per 100 grams

23 Non-fat yogurt
Yogurt is rich in protein and calcium. Some yogurt also have bacteria that are good for health. If you do not have lean nourishment, use low-fat yogurt that has less calories.
Calorie: 56 calories per 100 grams

24 Low fat cottage cheese
This cheese has a lot of protein, but its calories are low. It's best to use low-fat cottage cheese to keep your calories high. If you do not have this cheese, you can still use other low-fat cheeses.
Calories: 72 calories per 100 grams

25 egg
Eggs are a source of high quality and cheap protein. Eggs have high purity. Studies show that consuming eggs at breakfast can reduce calories and help lose weight.
Calorie: 144 calories per 100 grams

The healthiest cereals are those that are not processed and refined. All types of cereals contain a significant amount of fiber and cause the person to feel satiety for a longer time. These features reduce calorie intake and help lose weight.

26 popcorn
Papercorne is a corn-based product that is grown and spiked by heat. It's best to get this product at home. The airborne popcorn has a low calorie content and is considered a great snack.
Calories: 31 calories per cup

27 Oat
Juice is rich in fiber and antioxidants. Jodoser also contains protein, vitamins B and manganese. Consumption can help reduce bad blood cholesterol and lower blood pressure. Studies have also confirmed the role of giudoser in weight loss.
Calorie Calorie: Calories 71 Calories per 100 grams Cooked

Brains and seeds
Generally, the seeds and brains are considered as high-calorie foods. However, these foods have a lot of properties, and even if you want to limit your calorie intake, you should not remove them from your diet.

28 No milk has been added yet
Milk is made from almond powder and water. This food is a good option for those who are allergic to cow's milk. The caloric content of milk in milk is much lower than that of cow's milk. Calcium in lactating is like cow's milk, but its vitamin E is higher.
Calories: 17 calories per 100 grams

29 Chestnut
Shaabot has less calories than most brains. Present is rich in fiber, folate and vitamin C.
Calorie intake: 224 calories per 100 grams

Enormous drinks are sluggish. This is despite the fact that most sugar-free drinks have a low calorie content. It is best to avoid drinking and drink natural foods as much as possible. Most juices (even those without added sugar) are high in sugar and have lost much of the fiber in the fruit. It's better to eat whole fruits instead of juice.

30 Water
Water is the best drink you can drink and has no calories.
Calories: zero

31 Tea (green) not sweetened
Unsalted tea is calorie-free and contains herbal ingredients. Green tea has many health benefits and regular consumption is recommended.
Calories: zero

32 Brown without sugar
Prepared brown powders and many similar products on the market are full of sugar and preservatives. It's best to make your own coffee at home. Sugarless coffee is calorie-free and comes with a healthy drink. Some studies have shown that coffee is less likely to develop chronic diseases than others.
Calories: zero

33 Soda (carbonated water)
Sparkling water is a good alternative to sugar-rich drinks. Most carbonated water only contains carbon dioxide gas. However, it's best to see the product label to ensure that no sugar is added.
Calories: zero

Many sweeteners contain a lot of sugar and can increase your calories, but there are sweaty sweets that you can use.

34 Edible plants and spices
Adding herbs and spices is the perfect way to taste the food. Many of these herbs and spices have many properties for health. Cinnamon, turmeric, garlic, ginger and red pepper are spices that are rich in antioxidants and herbal compounds.

35 Embellishings
Below are some of the cool stuff, but we'll introduce you the following:
Vinegar: 3 calories per tbsp;
Lemon juice: 3 calories per teaspoon;
Salsa Salt: 4 calories per tbsp;
Hot sauce (red pepper sauce): 0.5 calories per teaspoon.



I like sashimi(raw fish) and so I'm going to eat salmon sushi in the evening.

Thank you great
♥ ♥ ♥

Nice Article, very informative about type of foods that are essential to remain healthy in today's fast and stressed life. Proper diet helps us to keep us healthy and stronger and extend our life.

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