Every Situation Must be Dealt with Patiently || Monday Photography

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello Friends,

The more the situation is in our favor, the more it is against us. But in the meanwhile we have to deal with everything through patience, the more adverse the situation, the more patience we have to show, because it is impossible to go against the situation and win. The only loss as a result is ours. So the more patient we can be, the more our mental strength will increase.


My grandfather's house is on the very last border of Bangladesh, not just the last border, it is an island surrounded by the sea. Where people are constantly fighting with nature, where people have to struggle to survive. I saw their morale and tremendous mental strength. The roaring waves of the sea cannot frighten them, the great roar of the sea cannot stop them. I have seen how they fight with nature, for survival. What patience should be, I would not understand if I did not see them.


So those of us who express frustration at the adverse situation are actually only expressing our own weakness mentally. Because there is never a fight in a favorable environment, and there is no joy in surviving without a fight. So those who fight in hostile environments and snatch victory can enjoy the real taste of survival. So learn to fight in a hostile environment, not in a favorable one.


There are thousands of such examples all around us. Where everyone struggles to survive in a hostile environment, not in a favorable one. And expressed their displeasure at being victorious. Although we do not try to learn anything from nature, we always try to enjoy something from nature. Due to which our patience is low and we get frustrated when we see something unfavorable.



However, today's wonderful day is quite enjoyable, because today is a happy day, a colorful atmosphere prevails all around. So I did not make today's article and words big. I wish everyone a happy Eid. EID MUBARAK!


Declaration: This is original content of mine with own photography.

Thanks all for understanding everything.


আমি মোঃ হাফিজ উল্লাহ, চাকুরীজীবী। বাংলাদেশী হিসেবে পরিচয় দিতে গর্ববোধ করি। বাঙালী সংস্কৃতি ও ঐতিহ্য লালন করি। ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতাকে সমর্থন করি, তবে সর্বদা নিজেকে ব্যতিক্রমধর্মী হিসেবে উপস্থাপন করতে পছন্দ করি। পড়তে, শুনতে এবং লিখতে ভালোবাসি। নিজের মত প্রকাশের এবং অন্যের মতামতকে মূল্যায়নের চেষ্টা করি। ব্যক্তি হিসেবে অলস এবং ভ্রমন প্রিয়।




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