A constantly evolving and innovative altcoin: PIVx

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Hi Steemians,

Today I have a good news to share with you about PIVx, did you know that now you can have a PIVx Wallet Single Seed that means you do not need to be doing backup of every node, transaction txn, and PIVx balances all you need is this single seed that you can make it once and easy to restore when needed.

This video by Snappy aka (Bryan) present the idea in details PIVX DYK zPIV Seed.

Another latest development from PIVx is the Raffle draw of five Cruise tickets for the upcoming PIVX Cruise 2019! yes you can stand the chance to win a cruise journey for good 4-Night in Bahamas. Details here.

Thanks for reading.... Szia!


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