我的資訊保安工作經驗分享 (三) | My IT Security Experiences (3)

in #cn7 years ago


I had shared with you many of the works I did when I was an I.T. Security Engineer. Now let's see what's it all about as I.T. security audit.



One of my customers was a newspaper and magazine group. It was located in its own industrial building with different departments separated in different floors of the building, including their management. My responsibility was to audit the group's I.T. security policy. Discovering all shortcomings, to report them to management and to provide improvement suggestions.



  • 制訂整個項目的時間表
  • 列出客戶所需要提供的資源,當要求客戶管理層的支持
  • 列出我方將會交付的成果,並得到客戶的同意

We setup kick-off meeting with customer's management for :

  • agreement upon project timeline
  • confirmation with customer about the resources to be provided by them with management's endorsement
  • confirmation of deliverables



It was particularly important to have second item confirmed. To perform an audit, we needed to access sensitive information and resources. Without support of menagement, this could never happened. Customer had to confirm our scope of work (SoW) in the meeting. With the SoW, we identified resources needed, e.g. each department to assign one coordinator to work with us, usually the in-charge person.



This was well known to those who had similar experiences that the meeting determined wether the project could be successful or not. With the support of customer's management, it wad very likely that the project would be a successful one. Otherwise, we had to work on damage control. Because of the importance of this meeting, our senior consultants and manangement would join the kick-off meeting and passed the project to the engineers to execute afterwards.



  1. 查看原有的保安守則(當時可以說是沒有的)
  2. 約見每個部門不同的員工,套取員工們平時的工作流程
  3. 在原來的守則中找出不足之處
  4. 對比原來的守則和員工的工作流程找出不符合的地方
  5. 對客戶的電腦系統進行測試以找出系統的漏洞。現今的公司可能會找專業的駭客去做一些叫道德駭客攻擊,但當時連保安守則也沒有的公司當然不會做這些深層次的檢測。我們在客戶的網絡上做些簡單的攻擊測試
  6. 將所有資料,發現整合,編寫報告
  7. 將報告轉化做簡報,再向客戶(包括高層)匯報

I had to work on customer site after the project was started for about 3 months, with tasks:

  1. Review original policy (which was very limited at that time)
  2. Meet with employees at different departments for their daily workflows
  3. pinpoint shortcomings in existing policy
  4. find non-compliance out of existing work flows
  5. Attack customer's computer systems and networks. Not to the level of ethical hacking thought.
  6. Consolidate data and findings and create report.
  7. Presentation to customer.


在那三個月之中,為了配合客戶的工作時間,時常要在特別的時間到客戶辦公室工作。例如要在每天零晨4:30之後才能到電腦房做攻擊測試。因為出版流程在每晚1:30 ~ 4:00之間是最需要使用電腦的。

I worked plenty odd hours during that 3 months as I had to cope with customer's internal workflow. For example, I was only allowed to do hacking after 4:30am because the computers were extremely busy during 1:30am to 4:00am for publishing of newspapers.


  • 首先有電子形式的外洩,例如電腦或伺服器被入侵
  • 另外就是物理式的外洩,例如整個電腦或硬盤被偷走,又或者資料被打印出來並偷走

We also took care of the physical security because it was also one of the possible loophole that could cause breach of I.T. security.



Hacking could be from external and internal. It could be as simple as gaining access right of a networked computer, started from there to get data or access to other networked resources.


很多人有誤解,以為網絡攻擊都是從網外進攻,其實大部分的攻擊是從網內進行的。因為要防止經互聯網而來的網外攻擊,只要用心配置防火牆,定期更新所有網絡裝置的安全更新,和定期的監控整個網絡便可以了。但從防火牆的內部進行攻擊就容易得多了, 而且直接得多。簡單的只要能拿到一個密碼便可以做到很多的事。又或者在某一台使用者離開之後忘記了關機或鎖屏的工作站上插入一支USB硬盤,便能拷貝公司大量機密。

Many people thought that cyber attacks were only from outside world, but in fact, majority of them happened from internal. It wasn't too difficult to protect the system from external atracks with properly configured firewalls, well maintained system patches and carefully monitored networks. Attacks originated from internal, on the other hand, were more direct, effective and difficult to defend. It was as simple as getting a password from some careless employee, or plug an USB HD to a workstation that was not locked.



To provide protections against physical attacks, like theft of computers, printouts, etc, it was more like physical security control. For example, access control of restricted areas, limitation of printing devices for sensitive data, use of anti-theft locks for computers, etc.


所以做了一些簡單的內、外部測試,和大量員工會議之後,就會找出很多有問題的地方。之後就是要打這些發現放進一份報告和一個簡報表入面, 作為項目的交付成果的一部分送呈客戶。還記得這個項目的報告是超過三百三十頁的,光是編寫報告已經要兩,三個星期。可想而知當中找到的問題有多少。

After simple internal and external penatration tests and lots of interviews, there werw plenty of findings. We had to put together a report and presentation to deliver to customer. It was a 330+ pages report which took me about 3 weeks time to complete. Think about the no. of findings that it covered.



All findings were classified by severity, put into priority lists. Suggustions will be provided based on their priorities. However, what customer would take was another story.



Finally I would like to emphases that a system's security is as good as its weakest link. For example, a well protected system with most advanced security I.T. security system, properly configured, could be rendered completely useless if the system can be accessed physically without any control. Make sure you are not the weakest link of your system.


圖片來源 | Image source : Pixabay


我的資訊保安工作經驗分享 (二) | My IT Security Experiences (2)

我的資訊保安工作經驗分享 (一) | My IT Security Experiences (1)




Wow, your post quite interresting. I'm still learning in network security course. I think my work after graduate will be like you. Hope to see more your IT Security experiences



公司 :(

公司的機械只可以靠公司的IT 幫忙了。


公司的IT 人在哪呢?

應該是也掛點了 XD

I love IT I am doing software Engineering after that i will learn cyber security because now this is a basic need of IT department i am also learning some networking basics hope one day i will become a it export .



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I love the detail-oriented step by step timeline of it all. Although the work seems to be tedious and high tech with lots of checks and balances. Thanks for sharing your world @guyverckw

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