What is a natural way to lower fever?

in #health6 years ago

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It's important to know the reason of fever first and if it's tied to fatigue or change in climatic conditions then following recommended natural ways will help to bring down your fever. But if the reason of fever is due to a critical illness then please ensure to consult your doctor first and foremost.

- Take a Sponge bath - When in fever, we tend not to bathe as we feel weak and do not feel like doing anything. During this time considering placing cold, damp washcloths on your forehead and the back of your neck, rub or sponge your body parts as well. This will help in taking off the heat from the body and will bring down your body temperature. Also, you will feel fresh and good.

Image Source: holistichealthherbalist.com

- Have a lot of Water -  The chances of getting dehydrated st times of fever are very high. So drink close 8 to 12 glasses of water a day or close enough to make your urine pale. This will help you to be hydrated and will also get you those minerals lost due to the fever.  Doctors receommedns drinking Orange juice and other fruit juices rich which are rich in vitamin C as Vitamin C assists your immune system in fighting off infection and ultimately helps in reducing the fever.

- Take rest -  taking rest is the key here. It is said that a person when unwell and if he or she takes proper rest can get better soon. Medicines only help 20% rest 80% is the body taking rest helps you to cope up with the problem or the fever here in our example. Therefore Rest without any tension in mind, without worrying about anything and a sound sleep is a best and simple remedy to bring your fever level down. 

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