What are the rules to follow to get perfection in any field?

in #social6 years ago

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I'll share my thumb rule to become perfection in any field. 

The Rule name is 3S - Simple, Sincere & Smart

Simple - A simple nature and an attitude to learn will lead you to perfection. Be humbel and thankful to people who teach you something it could be anything  and believe me in no time you will notice that you will start gaining/understanding things more appropriately and becoming better at it could be 9 to 6 job, your own Business anything all things will start favoring you as you will have the mantra of success.

Image Courtesy: legaltechdesign.com

Sincere -  its simple - hard work pays. The sincere you are at your work definitely it will pay you back. Sincerity is a sign of success and at the same time, it teaches you a lot. A person who is sincere at his work automatically learns new things - how to do it? how to rectify it? - starts questioning himself and works towards perfection in doing all these things efficiently. 

Smart -  The world in which we are living is a dynamic world. Things are changing in a matter of seconds. Millions and Billions of impressions are seen on the internet in a matter of seconds. We have smart gadgets around so why not we be smart as well. You will miss your boat if you aren't smart. So when I'm saying to be smart it does not mean that you should be fast in math calculations or being able to remember data or lot of things. 

By being smart I mean:-

- Being able to see things that other people are not able to see

- Being able to join/connect the dots in the right places

- Being able to plan efficiently  AND

- Being able to effectively reach the goals in time

Therefore be Simple, Sincere And Smart - things will follow and will definitely lead you to perfection. 


I wouldn't say "simple" but definitely "sincere" & "smart" answer.


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