Power of YOGA + Our Prime Minister with People ! What is more exciting?

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Hi Everyone!
It's me again.
How many of you Steemers know about Yoga? It's about Us. What we do or what we can do for our health.
First I would like to share some yoga poses via an animated picture.


I myself have personal experience in yoga's healing power in a very real way. Pranayama,meditation helps in breathing problem what brings prana (vital energy) in humans. Yoga helps in different different ways I can give you atleast 30 benefits of yoga in our daily life if we give 30 minutes to yoga we will be completely free from any kind of health issue.

#Benefits of Yoga that Improves our Health:

  1. Improves your flexibility

  2. Builds muscle strength

  3. Perfects your posture

  4. Prevents joint breakdown

  5. Protects your spine

  6. Betters your bone health

  7. Increases your blood flow

  8. Drains your lymphs and boosts immunity

  9. Ups your heart rate

  10. Drops your blood pressure

  11. Makes you happier

  12. Founds a healthy lifestyle

  13. Lowers blood sugar

  14. Helps you focus

  15. Relaxes your system

  16. Improves your balance

  17. Maintains your nervous system

  18. Helps you sleep deeper

  19. Gives your lungs room to breathe

  20. Prevents digestive problems

  21. Gives you peace of mind

  22. Eases your pain

  23. Gives you inner strength

  24. Helps keep you drug free

  25. Builds awareness for transformation

  26. Benefits your relationships

  27. Guides your body's healing in your mind's eye

  28. Keeps allergies and viruses at bay

  29. Helps you serve others

  30. Encourages self care.

So we should do yoga daily.
And other thing I am going to tell you is about how our indian prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi Ji took part with in thousands of people and encouraged them by doing Yoga with them.


Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi today led the first International Yoga Day celebrations in the country, defining yoga as a means to train the human mind to begin a new era of peace and harmony.


The Prime Minister, who practised ‘asanas’ along with nearly 35,000 participants during a mega event at Rajpath here, also thanked the United Nations and the countries which backed the resolution by India to mark June 21 as International Yoga Day.

Yoga guru Ramdev shared the dais with Modi along with heads of some other religious and yoga institutions. Modi
later joined the participants on the ground as he practised the ‘asanas’ during the 30-minute programme.

Kicking off the event, the Prime Minister said the programme is aimed at benefiting the people by making them both physically and mentally healthy.

It seeks to make a tension-free world and spread the message of ‘Sadbhavana’ (harmony), the Prime Minister said, adding that yoga is “more than just physical fitness”.

“For most of the people, yoga is just a physical exercise. This is the biggest mistake…. Had this been the case, children working in circuses could have been called ‘yogis’. Hence yoga is not only about making the body flexible,” he said, while addressing the participants.

The Prime Minister expressed hope that the atmosphere built in favour of yoga in the country will continue in future as well.

“We are not only celebrating a day but we are training the human mind to begin a new era of peace – Sadbhavana….
This is a programme for the benefit of mankind, a tension-free world and a programme to spread the message of Sadbhavana,” Modi said.


The Prime Minister expressed joy over the large gathering at Rajpath noting, “Did anyone imagine this Rajpath will
become a Yogpath?”

Our Prime Minister interacted with the children who had converged for the event.

India led 191 countries to mark the day with nearly 35,000 people taking part in the yoga demonstration at Rajpath while a number of programmes were being held across the nation.

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj was in New York to participate in the Yoga Day celebrations at the United Nations. Indian Missions abroad were also organising special programmes for the day.

World is embracing Yoga in a big way.

The United Nations had in December last year declared June 21 as International Yoga Day, with 177 countries voting in favour. The proposal had been mooted by the Prime Minister during his first address to the UN General Assembly in September last year.

The Prime Minister, who has been under attack from the opposition for “usurping” yoga to “highlight” himself, insisted that the programme is only intended to benefit the humankind and spread the message of love and well being.

He also said that the support for yoga that has been built in the country will be taken forward in future as well. Noting that new revolutions are happening in the field of technology in the world, Modi said that they will not serve any purpose if human development remains stagnant.

“This mismatch will also become a crisis for humankind. That is why it is necessary that internal development of man should also take place simultaneously,” Modi said adding that this can be done through yoga.

Hailing the contributions of yoga gurus and exponents of various traditions in the world, the Prime Minister noted that sometimes some deformities creep in every tradition due to ignorance.

Maintaining that the ‘asanas’ are just a beginning of the larger picture of yoga, he compared it with the fine tuning of various music instruments at the beginning of a music show.


With the world observing the first International Yoga Day, the sun will not set on this form of art and the world has to take note of it, he said.

21 yoga ‘asanas’ were performed by 35,000 people for 35 minutes at the event.

A large number of children of foreign diplomats also participated in the event today.

I would like to salute our Prime Minister for encouraging our people for Yoga on the 1st ever International Yoga Day.

Thanks for reading my post,

-Gulshann Saini


Yoga is the ultimate solution for every health problem. Do yoga Stay healthy and keep steeming.

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