Labor Days

in #random6 years ago

Last few weeks I've been working on getting the projects back online and going now that all the re-re-replays are done (the two daily reading lists are now up). I have to admit I took a day or two off. Last two days I've been in my head some.

I had to power down a few hundred to pay for the servers. They run to the tune of a few hundred a month. I emptied out the incubator fund for Steemfest3, accounting had to catch up. Will stop after the next batch comes in.

Started looking around my folders for an old document and found a few gems.

Opera back in 2004:

GP newsletter from 2005:

The downtime that shut us down for a bit was caused by a hardware malfunction. Fortunately it was caught in time before significant data loss could occur. As a precaution, the majority of our server components have been replaced with brand new product.

It's been a long night for me. I've been fortunate enough to have the day off work, although the lack of moneys changing hands from my bosses' to mine is beginning to trouble me. I've made a few significant purchases in the last year which I'm still struggling to pay off and doubt I ever will. In addition to that, the bank wants back the small-ass loan they were so generous to provide me with for school-related purposes. Nevermind that I pissed most of it away on crap.

On the plus side, GP Hosting is nearly sold out. We've got barely a handful of medium-sized accounts remaining on our Cpanel server and those are going fast. We've got a few more servers flanking us but be warned, the prices differ in the upward direction from server to server.

As far as the site itself goes, we've just came out with a major update. The Mini Adventure of April 8, 2005 is a photo feature that takes us through a day of George's life. You remember George, right? That loveable fellow that tried to grow a handlebar mustache? Yeah you remember. He's got fans all over the world. I can't mention the site anywhere anymore without someone asking about George. Check out his newest camera work on our main page.

Also up is a short but sweet review of Aesop Rock's "Labor Days" album as well as just a few of AwsmGy's Awsm Photos. And for those of you who complained after our last newsletter .. Misadventures in Fanfiction 5 are finally out. Its a good one, don't miss it.

We've also got a fully-integrated image gallery up with upload capabilities. But you probably don't care about that, its only a revolutionary addition to the site.

Forum-wise, we've got a new admin on board. Some of you may wonder why that's news seeing how we've got more staff members than Wal-Mart but let me assure you, it is. Check out the forum to see who sucked enough dick to make it to the top this time.

That's it for this month.


Those who participated in the GP goat/cat/durian contests will be uninterested to learn that the guy mentioned above is the same one who judged your entries.

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